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Started November 30th, 2023 · 8 replies · Latest reply by amishrobots 1 month, 1 week ago
I have to skim through a lot of audio in order to find what suits me. It's actually pretty fast and even feels more responsive in the new UI. Basically click anywhere on the audio file (usually where I see peaks in the waveform) and it'll start playing from there in the timeline. It's really nice.
Only thing that sucks is that going to the next audio file does not pause the previous ones. This is usually OK if the sound is like 2 seconds long, but in the case of 1 minute long clips you'll just have a barrage of useless audio. Yes. I am aware there is a pause button. But keep in mind I have freesound.org scaled at 75% (because the new UI is otherwise so uselessly large) which makes the pause button like a dozen pixels.
Best solution I see is whenever you click to preview a new sound, it stops the last one playing. Is there anyone who seriously needs to listen to multiple sound effects at once here?
Hi @anon0999,
This is a feature that has been requested several times, so for the new UI we have added an option in the account settings page which allows you to disable simultaneous audio playback. Alternatively, you can press alt while clicking the play button of a sound, and this will stop all other sounds currently being played.
frederic.font wrote:
Hi @anon0999,This is a feature that has been requested several times, so for the new UI we have added an option in the account settings page which allows you to disable simultaneous audio playback. Alternatively, you can press alt while clicking the play button of a sound, and this will stop all other sounds currently being played.
Beautiful. Thank you.
The Alt+click thing is quite useful. I didn't know about that.
Well since the OP's issue was solved, have some entertainment: Two songs made via simultaneously looping many Freesounds across several tabs. Ain't Nothing To It / The Big REEE
They're more proofs of concept than anything, but I'm sure people could make exceptional ambience by simultaneously playing multiple synth pads, nature recordings, etc. I also hear that people use FS' livelooping for workouts, meditation sets, and so on. There's gotta be more use cases than just those however. People use my recordings of rain and wind to sleep, but most of them are under an hour in length and have long build-up times, so they might loop a couple of them to ensure a continuous sound texture.
Great to know this--I feel lucky that I stumbled on this, as it is such a basic but essential piece of the interaction. I wonder if this alt/opt click thing is mentioned anywhere else?
anon0999 Is there anyone who seriously needs to listen to multiple sound effects at once here?
Back when I had my own website, I created a page I called the "YouTube Noise Organ".
I had made several videos that were just some interesting short clips of some noise I'd captured with my digital camera, cut and then looped for a bout a minute or so. On my "Noise Organ" page, I'd embedded all of these clips, much like some of what I see on this site.
The idea was that the user could play the clips together, in different variations and patterns to make their own compositions, using my collection of sounds.
Now that I have just discovered this website, and then realized this feature, it seems very well suited to that idea.