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Started December 15th, 2023 · 5 replies · Latest reply by frederic.font 1 year, 1 month ago
I really like the UI on mobile. The size of things are well layed out, it's legible.
My setup : Samsung A51 using chrome.
Here's a few things tho :
- Moving one page to another arrives zoomed in. I arrive seeing 75% of the page and having to zoom out to see 100%, width wise.
- Some sounds have the 5 starts separated on two lines. 4 stars over 1 under.
- Format issue with long pack names ? It does "pack name" + download count. Line under = comment number + liscencing. Line under = "see results in the same pack".
I think a better format would be download count, comments, licencing. Line under = Pack name + "Pack-X" (X being the number of results from the same pack). Or just having the pack name and another line under for the "see X results from the same pack" as is.
- Triggering sounds while scrolling. It's too easy to trigger sounds while scrolling. There should be a threshold of press length, or a cancel if scrolling within 3ms after triggering a sound.
- "Most downloaded new packs" scrolling sideways the 5 dot marker doesn't highlight which bank I'm on.
- Scrolling sideways on the hope page for stuff like "most recently downloaded sounds" highlights which bank I'm on in grey, if I press on a bank it's then highlighted in red. If I then scroll bank, I have the red dot remain and I have a white dot to show what bank I'm on.
I admit having Grey, Red, and white dots. Two highlights at once is probably a bug!
That's all, otherwise I like the layout and UI, looks clean on a phone IMO!
Thanks for your message. Some of these things are going to be hard to fix but some others will be definitely addressed. I'll add them to our bug reporting system.
Hey, I noticed some of these bugs were fixed and browsing on phone is much nicer!
Thank you and congratulations!
Yes, I'm slowly fixing things
Thanks for the message!