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Started June 2nd, 2007 · 7 replies · Latest reply by Simon_Lacelle 17 years, 8 months ago
i can't download wav files to my desktop anymore. it opens up a window playing the file as quicktime once it is downloaded. how do i change this? please help. thanks.
Or if you're on windows just right click the Download button, then click "save target as".
FireFox 200 is configured by Default to open in players WAV/MP3/MP3
so you must do these steps:
No 1:
Make sure the download pannel appear when you get the download link...
No 2:
Go to the File Manager...
No 3:
Select the file type you need to download...
No 4:
And the action must be to download the file...
No 5:
Do the same for the other types...
No 6:
Enjoy FreeSound :twisted: !!!