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Started June 14th, 2008 · 3 replies · Latest reply by 1jmorrisoncafe291 13 years, 4 months ago
I can only tell you how to change your email address and password if you want to. So, I am sorry to say that this post is long but I hope you find it useful!
I begin with changing your email address, and then changing your password.
The steps for changing your email address proceed as follows:
1. Click the link to your username (shown generally at the top of pages).
2. Click on ‘forum details’.
3. Click on your profile.
4. Type your new email address. Important: Please be careful when typing – if you mistype it, even by 1 character you will not be able to log in! Also,
be advised that hotmail addresses are not supported (see
for more information
5. Now type your password. Alternatively, if you have kept your activation email (recommended), paste it from there into the relevant box.
6. Now, click the submit button
7. Now, you will be sent an activation email to your new email address. Follow the instructions. You will be required to reactivate your account as you
would if you had newly registered.
8. Log in with your username and password, and you should be back online in no time.
Now, to change your password. This procedure assumes that you have completed steps 1-5 above. If you have not done so and are following along with this,
please complete the above steps before continuing.
1. After completing steps 1-5 above, you will be asked to type your new password.
2. Next, confirm your new password. Please type the same password.
3. Click submit, and then you will be sent an activation email. Again, proceed as if you had newly registered.
Both these procedures require email activation. Better make sure you type your email address properly then! Ay?
As I said, I do not know how to close an account. If Bram or anyone else does, Please come forward!If you are not sure about anything I have told you, please contact either myself or bram via private message. Otherwise, I Hope this helps
This was a lot of fun and a good experience. But I'm not prepared to go out mailbox hunting, at least not now.
The one I log in with now is not useful.
Interesting coincidence is that my problem server I was paying for(with IMAP, SMTP/POP, was the one that let me down, and NOT Hotmail. I've given up on that British or UK server.
Also, this is my 2nd ID in Freesound
in less than 18 months. My Fastmail did not let me down with this site, but it did with several others. So I think it will(or would have been) a matter of time here.