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Started September 10th, 2008 · 2 replies · Latest reply by matthew Galtress 16 years, 5 months ago
ive got a problem ... evertime i log out i have to reactivate the account to get back in as the password i was given the last time ceased to work,
im guessing i have to set my own password and not use the reactivation password maybe?... if so ..where do i change the password??
Well, I must say that that sounds quite rare, but I can tell you how to change your password.
1. Click on your username typically shown at the top of pages E.G, you are logged in as matthew Galtress.
2. Click on forum details.
3. Click on profile.
4. Check your email address is still correct, if not, change it. Make sure you type it correctly…
5. Confirm your current password. Type or paste it from the activation email if you kept it (recommended).
6. Next, type a new password.
7. Confirm your password. It is important you type the same password.
8. Now, you can make other changes you want to to your profile and press submit.
Hope that helps… If not, drop me a private message.
ive got a problem ... evertime i log out i have to reactivate the account to get back in as the password i was given the last time ceased to work,
im guessing i have to set my own password and not use the reactivation password maybe?... if so ..where do i change the password??