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Started November 13th, 2008 · 2 replies · Latest reply by Benboncan 16 years, 3 months ago
ok dont burn me at the stake (he says offering a cool frothy virtual beer) but im not very 'geek' at all but do make wacky soundbites.
id like to upload some, and wondered what i should do - what product do i download from the sponsored site?
this post will help other non-technical members, unless, that is, its just me
(wouldnt be the 1st time)
all help appreciated so I can share my oddness with you
Hi, on the left of the home page there is a panel near the bottom titled Adding Files. Click on Contribute to Freesound and follow the instructions. FTP applet in red is a link, click on that and wait. There will appear some kind of warning (depending on the browser you use), click on yes or allow or run. When the applet itself appears click connect (bottom left). Type in your username (if you are not logged in) and password then wait. After you are connected you can browse to the file(s) you wish to upload on the left, select and click on the >> symbol in the upper small square between the two big ones. Your file should then upload. Be patient when the applet is connecting, it might take a while. After the file has transferred you should describe your file. I hope this helps and that I have not left anything out.