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Started May 1st, 2009 · 2 replies · Latest reply by matthew Galtress 15 years, 9 months ago
Hello all,I'm having trouble where certain files do not finish downloading. They seem to hang at the same place/number of bytes downloaded in the download timeline during multiple attempts.
Any thoughts?
Some advice: Are you using internet explorer like I am? If so, then if a file fails to download first time, then if you just try again then the same thing will happen; I think what happens is that the version you tryed to download is stored in your temperary internet files, meaning that if you try again strait away all it will do is just coppy that version. So what I do is to delete my temperary internet files first. How to do this:
1. On the tools menu, click 'delete browsing history...'
2. Click 'delete files...'
3. Click yes.
You might need to wait a bit whilst it deletes.
Hope this helps. Problems still? Just ask!