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Started January 8th, 2012 · 75 replies · Latest reply by Headphaze 13 years, 1 month ago
Hi All,
Here is the discussion thread for Dare 9.
I should have actually opened this earlier as I asked people to start submitting samples... so there could be stuff you wanted to discuss... So far we have been using the "samples submission" thread.
Hoe you are all getting curious about what dare 9 will be
Until a few days ago I had not quite decided...
Once I post the actual dare we will continue to use this thread for all the discussions.
Thanks again for all the samples submitted so far.
I feel that there should be a limited number of other freesound samples that people should be allowed to use (perhaps 5 or so). I mean the ones that are not tagged dare-9. Just a thought. Thank you for being so prompt with the posting of part 2!
afleetingspeck wrote:
I feel that there should be a limited number of other freesound samples that people should be allowed to use (perhaps 5 or so). I mean the ones that are not tagged dare-9. Just a thought. Thank you for being so prompt with the posting of part 2!
I mostly just wanted to post real quick so I could subscribe to the thread...but I WAS wondering if people were planning to have the structure/tone of their compositions reflect the fact that the source material is from used/trashed objects?
AlienXXX wrote:afleetingspeck wrote:
I feel that there should be a limited number of other freesound samples that people should be allowed to use (perhaps 5 or so). I mean the ones that are not tagged dare-9. Just a thought. Thank you for being so prompt with the posting of part 2!
I have thought about that... But did not want to make it too complicated.
Also... I think it is more about the role the sounds play. Provided the dare-9 sounds make up most of the piece, it is ok to add a few other samples for finishing touches. But not the other way around.
I think people get the idea... Lets see what they come up with!
He guys, where are you affraid of. Try to create a song withoutextra sounds.
I will say: no extra sounds thats a bonus.....
jgeralyn wrote:
I mostly just wanted to post real quick so I could subscribe to the thread...but I WAS wondering if people were planning to have the structure/tone of their compositions reflect the fact that the source material is from used/trashed objects?
Weird.... when i do a "dare 9" search, none of my uploads appear.
Any one else with that problem?
How many has contributed? Just to know who to search for, just in case the search engine is skipping someone.
Is it a search engine default, to leave out results from the user who's doing the search?
For my dare 9 song - The Island of Misfit Sounds (http://thatjeffcarterwashere.blogspot.com/2012/01/island-of-misfit-sounds-freesound.html)
I used the following sounds in the following ways:
Drum Set - I clipped portions of these sounds to make a drum kit in Ableton live
Socket Spanner #140431
Banana Box #140770
Alligator Wrench #140419
Packing Paper Hollow Tube Percussion #140694
Plastic Packaging Squeak #140702
Wrapping Paper Tube Hits #141094
I warped this sound a bit to make the hits line up with the beats
Wrapping Paper Tube Hits 2 http://www.freesound.org/people/toiletrolltube/sounds/141104/
I added an amp and a ping pong delay effect to this sound, and did a little bit of cutting and pitch shifting.
Low E Guitar String and Wrapping Paper http://www.freesound.org/people/afleetingspeck/sounds/140695/
I made three different mixes of a portion of this sound 1)up an octave and double speed, 2)normal plus ping pong delay, 3)half speed plus delay and reverb. I also warped the beats a bit to give it a different rhythm.
Beer Bottle Notes http://www.freesound.org/people/toiletrolltube/sounds/141155/
I shifted the pitch up a bit for this sound
Packing Paper Tube Air Suck http://www.freesound.org/people/afleetingspeck/sounds/140700/
This one I cut, sliced, reversed, slowed down, and added reverb.
Bottles Hitting and Rubbing http://www.freesound.org/people/toiletrolltube/sounds/141157/
I used Ableton Live 8 (lite) and Audacity.
(the # for the percussion sounds was used instead of link in order to avoid this post being considered spam. sorry.)
A question about the rules:
Is it "at least" or "at most" 10 sounds from the dare-9 library?
Also, a note to everyone: only 136 sounds are tagged "dare-9" (there might a couple less) but 138 entries show up because two out of the 138 have dare-9 in the description (not the tag-list) so when you do a generic search for "dare-9", you will get 138 results. However, when you go to the filters on the right sidebar, you will see a "tags" filter option; there, click the beloved "dare-9" tag.
Just make sure you double-check that the sound really contains the tag "dare-9" so you are not disqualified.
thatjeffcarter: I am simply blown away by what I just heard.
I have always, always, always loved ambient pieces (listening to and enjoying new age music is how I got into music in the first place) although I know nothing about the techniques in this field.
But I digress. How cleverly you have disguised the sound and how just beautiful, neat, melodic and artistic you have made it sound just humbles me and anything about myself which thinks that I can compose music.
Kudos to you for this, and thanks, especially because this just (again) like the entries in the previous dares strives me to move further and harder. It is a challenge to myself to include an ambient sequence in my entry for this dare. (Just listening to the piece makes me want to start composing - and believe me, I listened to every single second very, very carefully!)
You've done an absolutely wonderful job of starting dare-9 with a huge bang!
question about the rules: at least 10 or at most 10?
1.2 - You must use 10 samples tagged with "dare-9"
1.3 - You can use additional samples from Freesound, but these should be in a 'supporting' role the main samples for your piece should come from the "dare-9" set.
I would take it as at least...
and thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked the song.
I know I am just spam posting now (I promise, this will be my last post for a while), but if any of you wanted to filter yourself out of the dare-9 sounds, in the search bar, set the query to dare-9 -[your username here]. So, in the search bar, for eliminating all sounds by me, it would read "dare-9 -afleetingspeck". This way (with that negative sign right before my username), it will show all the entries with the words dare-9 in it (tags or title or description) EXCEPT for all sounds also having the word "afleetingspeck". You can do it for multiple users, too. For instance, "dare-9 -afleetingspeck -toiletrolltube" would show you all the dare-9 results BUT mine and toiletrolltube's. Just a subtractive filtering technique. (Nothing against you, toiletrolltube!)
afleetingspeck wrote:
A question about the rules:
Is it "at least" or "at most" 10 sounds from the dare-9 library?EDIT:
Also, a note to everyone: only 136 sounds are tagged "dare-9" (there might a couple less) but 138 entries show up because two out of the 138 have dare-9 in the description (not the tag-list) so when you do a generic search for "dare-9", you will get 138 results. However, when you go to the filters on the right sidebar, you will see a "tags" filter option; there, click the beloved "dare-9" tag.
Just make sure you double-check that the sound really contains the tag "dare-9" so you are not disqualified.
AlienXXX wrote:
... And just to confirm the rule on number of dare-9 samples to use: 10 is the minimum.
You can use more if you want.
THANX!! pfew now i can use all the sounds i want.....
Is it oke if i use a .midi file for my melody??(one thats not really my own)
Im not really good at making melodys
Yes Alienxxx, I was to late this time. Jeff (thatjeffcarter) it is a great contribution. Who is next? I hope there be 20 or more....
Here is a review...
Thatjeffcarter - TheIslandOfMisfitSounds
One of the things that amazed me about this music is how different it sounded when I heard it after lunch on headphones through my iphone and tonight, listening on a better set of "living room" headphones.
The feel of the music, I think it was not changed, but it did sound different, in a way that I can't explain. I think the drums pretty much disapeared when listenning on the iphone - possibly the headphones fault, although they tend to be good reproducing bass and drums.
This piece has a softness that is extreme even for Jeff
One great thing about Jeff's pieces is that immediately on listenning to them, a story always forms in my mind!
It is velvety, fluffy, fuzzy... listening to this piece is like watching a slightly out of focus movie...
... and that is because...
...it is a dream!
You are lying in bed, in that middle-ground between being asleep and awake. Suddenly you are floating above the clouds... long, endless, cotton fluffy clouds that extend as far as the eye can see.
You fly like this weightless for some undetermined lenght of time, until you start dropping down and go through the clouds. As you emerge under the clouds you are flying above the ocean, fst approaching a small island with nice sandy beaches and palm trees.
In the middle of the island lies a house. A huge mansion in fact.
Your feet touch down gently on the great lawn and you walk towards the big fron door which is open.
You walk in with a strange confidence, curious but undawnted by this unknown but strangely familiar space.
As you walk in, you realise that this is not a house but a museum. What appears to be childrens drawings and toys cover the walls and are stored in glass caninets.
You realise that these are your objects - your primary school drawings, your schoolbooks, your toys. Somehow, this building is filled with your objects.
The house is deserted, there is no sign of anyone being or ever having been in the house. Not even birds can be heard in the gardens around it.
You realise the house is filled with the objects you threw away. All the objects you threw away in your life.
And the people too!
You are now going through rooms and rooms of photos and portraits (some of them real-size) of all the people you lost contact with along your life.
Ex-girlfriens, school colleagues, long forgoten friends. Even your grandmother who you used to hate as a kid because the smelled of cigarretes. In fact, when you were eight, she had given you a book for Christmas, "Treasure Island" and you remembered throwing it away the next day because it reminded you of her... and it too smelled of tobaco!
And there it is the book, on a little table just under your grandmother's portrait.
You reach for the book. But suddenly there is a bright light.
You close your eyes and when you open them again, a ray of sunshine is comming through a gap in your bedroom curtains and shinning on your face. The alarm clock is going off too, screaming that it is time to wake up.
You sit on the bed, shake your head... rub your eyes. Then begin to get ready to go to work.
As you eat your breakfast and then leave the house you can't stop thinking about the dream, and all the things that you could or should have done differently in your life.
I was feeling inspired to write... so here is another review
Klankbeeld - Thanks for the bubbles
I would like to say a few words about what klankbeeld does. As you may have noticed, he uses no effects.
So what? Should be easy. Maybe. But it is certainly a very different approach to what we all do. We tend to take sounds and process them to fit whatever it is we are trying to do.
What you need to remember is that klankbeeld has done this with the 10 random sounds before... and now again without using any non-dare-9 samples. The souds are what they are and he just makes them fit.
I particularly like this piece. You see... it could be the sound track for a little cartoon:
It's Christmas. A lonely old man sits at his table his barely lit dinning room and prepares to open his only Christmas gift.
It is a colorfull cardboard box, tied with a flashy pink ribbon - certainly a gift from his granddaughter.
The man sits down and sets the box on the table next to a couple of bottles and glasses. He unties the ribbon and takes off the lid.
The box is filled up with wrapping paper, protecting whatever it is that lies inside. The man starts fumbling with the paper. There is a lot of paper there and he can't find anything inside the box!
After a bit more nervous fumbling, he finds it. He pulls his hand out of the box and he is holding a tiny musical note, no larger than a paper clip!
The man leans forward to inspect it, but before he can actually look at it properly the musical note jumps from his hand to the table and from there to the floor. Then goes jumping all over the room, bouncing off walls and objects.
Magically, all objects in the room start jiggling, rattling, dragging and otherwise moving and making noise - altogether making a music piece.
Then as suddenly as it started, the music note jumps back in the box and all goes quiet again. The man, who had watched in silence, pours himslef a drink. He leans back on his chair and blows on the empty bottle.
Hey! just posted my submission to the other thread, when I thought: "If most of us are submitting on soundcloud we should make a "freesound dares" group on said site." I have a solo account which means I can create infinite groups, so basically what I want to know is, if I make it will you post?