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Started December 6th, 2012 · 23 replies · Latest reply by AlienXXX 12 years, 2 months ago
With AlienXXX’s blessings, I present to ye, who ventures into the composer’s boots, the following:
All around the world, in many cultures, the final quarter of the year has a lot of festivals. These festivals may have religious, cultural or other reasons for celebration, but they have all been very successful at bringing people together.
For this dare, then, the theme is to imagine a festival of your own making and create a soundscape that transports us amid the people, occurrences and moods in your festival.
Composition rules:
1. Your composition must be between 90 seconds and 4 minutes in length.
2. The sounds used must be found on freesound. This means you can use pre-existing sounds, or you can record/synthesize sounds for your composition and make them available on freesound. If you do use your own newly recorded/synthesized sounds in the soundscape, before the dare-17 deadline, please post any and all un-uploaded samples to freesound (Do not forget to tag them with the tag dare-17 so it is easy to moderate them). This also means that any sound coming from sample libraries/ other copyright sounds may not be used in the composition.
3. Because, for this dare, the festival is meant in a traditional sense, all compositions must use at least two different people sounds (mob/crowd/gang/group/gathering/ even single person etc).
4. The composition must be a soundscape. Musical entries are generally not allowed for this dare, but creative bending of rules is encouraged! Just one of many examples – maybe there is a fiddle player in the background of the whole atmosphere/festival.
Submission rules:
1. Although not mandated, soundcloud is the preferred choice for uploading your submissions for two reasons: 1) It is really easy to comment on others’ pieces, and 2) There is a freesound dares group started by a freesound darer, jgeralyn – the group serves as an excellent one-stop solution for listening to all the compositions (if you upload to soundcloud, please join and add your composition to the "Freesound Dares" group here: http://soundcloud.com/groups/freesound-dares ).
2. Post a link to your entry as a reply below.
2. There must be an attribution list pointing to the sounds used in the composition. The attribution may be listed either on soundcloud or freesound, but freesound is preferred as posts are more likely to be permanent here.
3. Deadline: Compositions must be submitted before 11:59 pm (GMT), December 25th.
Competitive aspect:
Voting: If there are more than 6 entries, there will be a voting. Based on the number of entries, more detailed voting rules will be posted in a separate thread later. {Whatever the other criteria, a big factor I want everyone to keep in mind while composing and voting is the personal immersivity of the piece : did the festival pull you in?}
The same voting thread will also have the winners posted after the voting is closed. Voting deadline is 30th of December. Winners will be announced on the 31st before 11:59 pm (GMT). We’ll all head into the new year with a clean slate.
Part of the reason this is a dare is because, in simple terms, being a creator is – for most of us – difficult. It involves a thought process sometimes before, sometimes during and sometimes after the composition is created. It is the sharing of such thoughts and techniques used before, during and after the composition that has set us apart from many other communities in that we all learn from each other tremendously.
Keeping that in mind, it is not required, but requested since it is really helpful when the whole process is documented. For that reason, a discussion thread will go up, too. Please share your experiences before, during, and after the composing process (I am myself guilty of not doing it every time, but now because I am requesting this to be done, I think I had better start doing it myself!)
That’s all there is to it.
Here’s the quick and the dirty:
A soundscape (and not a musical entry) between 90 seconds to 4 minutes in length about a festival of your own imagination (but containing human ambiance) is what dare 17 is all about. More than 6 entries will ensure that there’s voting, and we will all finish dare 17 before the dawn of the new era. OK, I think I may have got a bit too carried away there.
Let’s get cracking!
(Do not forget the Co-Lab dare ends on the 15th of December and this one on 25th. There is an overlap here, in terms of dates, between Co-Lab Dare 1 and Regular Dare 17).
All Freesounders
Just confirming this dare has my full endorsement.
I did not want the collab dare to mean we stop running normal dares. Some people may not want to or be able to collab, and the collab dare is 'funny' because there is a registration period and it runs for almost as long as 2 normal dares.
But since i have not even yet posted the eesults from the previous dare it was obvious i needed some assistance.
Afleetingspeck graciously offered to help, and this dare is the result.
Please show your support by participating! Thanks!
Hi there ... exploring the possibility of entering this Dare. A quick question ... it states that this cannot be a musical entry. Does that mean it can't have any musical components at all, or just not be totally musical? If you can recall my last Dare submission, I grabbed many sounds and smooshed them together, some of which were musical-ish. Would that style be okay, even if it contains some music?
carmsie wrote:
Hi there ... exploring the possibility of entering this Dare. A quick question ... it states that this cannot be a musical entry. Does that mean it can't have any musical components at all, or just not be totally musical? If you can recall my last Dare submission, I grabbed many sounds and smooshed them together, some of which were musical-ish. Would that style be okay, even if it contains some music?
afleetingspeck wrote:
Yes, it is fine to have musical elements. Just do not make it a full-fledged song.
(Sometimes you're also the person behind the windscreen, and sometimes you're the bug that battled the wiper. I think I've almost figured this out.)
cool thanks. didn't realise the windscreen/bug thing was confusing. i was aiming for profound
carmsie wrote:afleetingspeck wrote:
Yes, it is fine to have musical elements. Just do not make it a full-fledged song.
(Sometimes you're also the person behind the windscreen, and sometimes you're the bug that battled the wiper. I think I've almost figured this out.)cool thanks. didn't realise the windscreen/bug thing was confusing. i was aiming for profound
I've put a Dare 17 'festival' submission together. Not sure that I interpreted the brief correcly but smiled a lot while making it It can be found on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/carmsie-melodie/festival-of-colour-2012
As it stands, my entry comes with quite a few however's (aka apologies)...
- I've not added the credits yet but will do soon, I promise. There are so many I need to find the time.
- I'll also upload the sounds (voices) I made for this asap
- I think I'm already disqualified because I ran wayyy longer than 4 minutes. Never mind, cos the fun part for me is in the making-of, not the winning-of.
Hello afleetingspeck
Hopefully is ok to post this here.
Finally today I have time to start working on my entry. Realistically, i do not think i will be able to finish tonight.
Can the deadline be extended to saturday night, please.
I am sorry to be so late but there has been an enormour amount of work to complete before the holidays - and that is not optional
AlienXXX wrote:
Hello afleetingspeckHopefully is ok to post this here.
Finally today I have time to start working on my entry. Realistically, i do not think i will be able to finish tonight.
Can the deadline be extended to saturday night, please.I am sorry to be so late but there has been an enormour amount of work to complete before the holidays - and that is not optional
Ditto...... Cant wait for the holidays to start!
AlienXXX wrote:
Hello afleetingspeckHopefully is ok to post this here.
Finally today I have time to start working on my entry. Realistically, i do not think i will be able to finish tonight.
Can the deadline be extended to saturday night, please.I am sorry to be so late but there has been an enormour amount of work to complete before the holidays - and that is not optional
OK. Thank you for clarifying.
I thought the deadline was yesterday night.
I must have confused the deadlines in my calendar between the close of this dare and the date for the end of the world.
The current deadline should work for me. Thank you.
Puniho wrote:AlienXXX wrote:I must have confused the deadlines in my calendar between the close of this dare and the date for the end of the world.
I gotta say as deadpan one-liners go this is a classic!
I won't be able to be around to close the dare by tomorrow's (for some of you today's) deadline.
Also, because only one entry has been received so far and most of the darers seem to be busy with the holidays, I doubt we'll have enough entries for voting; as such we'll extend the deadline by a couple days. I hope this will also give time to a couple of people who may need to otherwise rush due to the deadline.
Merry Christmas.
afleetingspeck wrote:
as such we'll extend the deadline by a couple days. I hope this will also give time to a couple of people who may need to otherwise rush due to the deadline.
I was just going to post the description of my festival since I didn't get time to finish, but now I shall just say "yay" and "good call".
Hi Everyone,
Hope you've enjoyed the festive season and this message finds you well. Here is my entry for the Festive Season Soundscape Dare using only freesounds.
Hope you enjoy and very best wishes to you and yours.
Brett ~_^
sounds used from freesound:
I am just starting to make an entrie(didnt have time before), please give me a sign before you close the dare so I can post it before closing.
Hello everyone,
Please read my description before listening to my entrie!!!
Its saturday 4 januari 1997 around 11:45 in the morning.
There are strong winds today and the "feeling" temperature is almost -26deg Celsius.
Its the day of the 15e "Elfstedentocht" (elevencitytour),a traditional ice skating event held in the Netherlands.
This morning around 5:30, 16738 ice skating contenders started this traditional ice-race across Friesland.
We are following Gaatze Rypkema a 28 year old guy born in Olderbekeap.
Skating the Elfstedentocht has been a life long dream for Gaatze,
last time the event was possible was in 1985, but then Gaatse was still to young and could not compete.
His grandfather and father did, both finishing the trip and earning "the silver-cross"
Now it was Gaatzes turn to prove himself on the 199km long competition and earn his cross.
We are joining him just before he passes Bartlehiem, A small but enthusiastic village thats on the route about 37km before the finish.................
Am I too late??? Am I too late???
Here is the link. Full description will have to wait until tonight as I am going out now...
All right, everyone, this post marks the close of Dare-17.
Thank you for all your contributions. I'll be posting comments on soundcloud for those of you who haven't heard from me.
Because we have very few entries, we are going to leave voting aside for this dare. As such, if you were working on an entry, you can still submit your piece here after this post.
Enjoy the remainder of the holidays, and don't forget to check back soon. A new dare is rumored to be in the making by AlienXXX.