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Started January 14th, 2022 · 56 replies · Latest reply by roomyeti 3 months, 1 week ago
Yeah I'd like to. I'd like to suggest an idea. I was thinking maybe we can work outside of standard 12EDO tuning.
I have the Scala archive as well. I'm down to do a microtonal challenge, but I'm not sure if that alone is very challenging. A lot of microtonal intervals are perfectly analogous to 12EDO ones so we'd have to get really crazy with something like the Partch 43-tone scale. THAT would be a challenge and require some study as well.
If you write a prompt, please label it Freesound Music Challenge (FMC) 005 "(prompt title)". This helps with cataloguing.
Harry Partch's scale is really neat. Syzygy plays in that Just Intuned scale.
I have been composing a bit in 41-EDO. But I was thinking of trying something different. Maybe we should use Partch's scale!
The more I think about it, maybe it would be best for everyone who participates to use whichever scale they wish to. I'll think on it and then I will submit a tag under the format you suggested.
What if we each SUBMIT a scale and then you scramble them up so no one knows what they're getting?
Granted, we'd need 3 participants for this to work.
Another idea: We have to create a new scale with certain constraints (for instance, "no fractional divisions of the octave").
Idea for a future challenge: Invent an original character and then develop a voice for it
Freesound Music Challenge (FMC) 005 - "Abandon Known Temperaments (AKT)"
For this challenge, the goal is to devise a piece of music in a style of your choosing, the caveat is that you cannot use the standard 12-tone equal temperament (aka 12-TET, 12-EDO). Each participant will devise their own temperament, one that is, in the spirit of avantgarde music, out-of-the-box, leftfield, something that is rarely if ever done.
If you'd like to participate but perhaps aren't as well versed in this stuff and need assistance, I'm more than happy to chat and assist in creating tuning files for you.
Ideally, if we get three or more participants I'd like to assign each new temperament to a different person, a temperament swap of sorts. Let me know if you'd like that.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing back.
strangehorizon wrote:
Idea for a future challenge: Invent an original character and then develop a voice for it
That sounds super fun. That should be FMC 006 for sure.
Here's mine: Purgatorial Paradise. It just fell into place, really. Somehow, despite me specifying frequencies for every note, my scale not only retuned but greatly reordered the notes. I used Tobybear Microtuner to load the .scl so that may partly explain it. Anyway, I composed on the scrambled notes anyway because I liked their laconic sounds.
I had planned to do another, but none of my chiptune VSTs played well with MicroTuner, so it's just a regular song.
Right, so last time I had planned to compose a normal song and then suddenly turn on MicroTuner to hear it get all f'd up. But that didn't work.
This time I tested at the beginning whether my instruments were compatible. Then I made this: Hewn to the Marrow
Another FMC005 entry? Another FMC005 entry.
Also, an idea for a future prompt: "Camouflage one sound as another. The original sound must be audible at its original volume and 100% dry (no effects). It can be hidden in a mix, be masked by other sounds, disappear into a group of very similar sounds, or any other strategy which adheres to the requirements." This one encourages the creation of various forms of audio illusions, which should be fun. It's also similar to RMC005 while being different enough to inspire totally different approaches.
Okay that's it for me on RMC005 entries... is what I WOULD say if I hadn't gone went and done another one.
Well, that's 5 attempts at getting some creative momentum going on this forum. I'm done with it.
the most important thing is to work and strive every day to improve and achieve what we want to achieve