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Started September 18th, 2006 · 19 replies · Latest reply by Bram 18 years, 1 month ago
Hi all of you!
I've been ooking for something like the freesound project for a while, now I've found it, and am happy, really happy. – :wink: –
Only one thing disturbed me: there was no API to acces the content under Java. So I startetd this weekend, recoding the Mootcher C++ to the new JMootcher. I didn't got that far yet, but its a first step.
hope you'lll like it.
Well, it's not yet online, it wouldn't even be alpha , but it will be online on my site soon... at least as soon as it works well
I'll post it when i've got the site...
just made a very basic side, needs a bit of improvement .
but at least the first package is online ... and keep in mind it's not even pre alpha
have fun.
Hi, so the current version supports caching of audio-files, playback for wav, aif. But mp3, flac and ogg are still missing.
ok, simple javadoc is online, but if got no time to finish an applet, because I'm on holiday tomorrow. The next progress will be in one week so don't hesitate to finish it at your own .
I put up a new version, made some further improvements. But I gave up to implement an own player, it's easier to access the downloaded Files and play them in another app or class. Maybe I'll do some example applets, which will show the basic features.
you could just play the preview instead... ?
btw, could you clean up the code so it's easier to see which part is really part of jMootcher and which part is not really related? The last time I checked it was a bit confusing to figure out where the correct bits went...
- bram
After the last post of bram, I was thinking about my java implementation.
Should I make the copy as close as possible to the c++ version?
Or should it be "more" OO-Style, means a reduction of static methods.
Another point is the file-handling, since I wanted to provide it as small library for the processing-environment, the files shouldn't be stored onto the filesystem permanently, because an applet doesn't leave to much of garbage . I just made temporary files, which are deleted after killing the java-process.
so hello universe...
what do you think out there.
--- i love fondue, for today ---
I know it's only a small project, but I just wanted to look how it feels to have a sourceforge-project .
Here it is:
Now it should be much easier to post any bug / feature-request.
I've also posted a newer version, made a bit of code cleaning (not a lot, since i've got an maths exam next week there won't be to much progress..), and I had to remove all audio-play-capabilities, will add that later in a separated class, when the time has come .
ho ho ho, good news, think there will be sound support in the next days found a library, but have to figure out how it works.
So as far as I knoe there's support for all of the filetypes used on the freesound-project-page.
I've succesfully tested mp3 and flac¿ not quite sure about it
news in the next few days...
greetings from switzerland
OK! this version contains nearly everything which is needed.
I've also included some simple examples. (playback, searching).
Have a look at the sourceforge project page.
So feel free to create some astonishing apps!! (ok that's a bit of exaggerated!)
perhaps it would be very cool if you could create an applet/something that does some simple tasks like search freesound and play some previews... that way people would start understanding that using jMootcher really is a good idea!
- bram
so far I've created an ugly applet, which lets you login, the perform a simple search, similar to that one on the freesound-page, and after all you can play a loaded sample... but there needs to be alot of improvement...it's buggy and hasn't been tested on other systems than a mac.
Ah and just before I forget: Is there a way to improve the xml-search, it doesn't seem to be working like the one implemented on the site? the search results are rather strange, since it searches only the descriptions, for instance you wont find any samples related to the keyword "dog"!! , I think these PHP-scripts need some minor repairs ....
your private coding monkey
Applet has been improved, looks a bit more like an application
features different search-types, like on this site. Properties window for each sample, with the previewimage (these wonderful coloured pictures spread on this site), play the preview file, cache of searches samples and previews and possiblity to download the sample.
have fun.