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Started April 14th, 2007 · 2 replies · Latest reply by Halleck 17 years, 10 months ago
I just thought I'd share with everyone where I get my sounds from.
For all of you who don't know, there is a program out there called MUGEN where you can download characters from various 2d fighting games, along with their sprites and sounds.
The sound files come in .sff format, so you'd need to extract them. Here's what to do to acquire these sounds:
-Go to one of these sites to the characters you're going to download (and there are many others):
- downlaod the character of your choice, and extract the character into a folder of your choice
- go here:
and download Mugen Character Maker
- unzip the file into any folder. Run MCM.exe
- in the menu, click on SND-> load, and browse to the folder of your character, then load that .snd file.
- now you can browse through the sounds. When you get to one you want, click on SND->Save Sample to Disk. Then save it as soundname.wav
Now the sound you chose is saved as a .wav file, and there you have it!