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Started November 12th, 2017 · 6 replies · Latest reply by j_e_f_f_g 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi, folks!
Here are two new packs I just uploaded that would fit in well with orchestral work. The first is a multi-velocity concert bass drum (specifcally a Ludwig 40'' x 18'' suspended drum). You can get the pack here: http://freesound.org/people/pjcohen/packs/23109/
The second pack is a stereo recorded Celesta; a chime-like instrument that plays bells from a keyboard, similar to a carillion. It would also make a great substitute for an electric piano due to the bell-like tone. Check it out here: http://freesound.org/people/pjcohen/packs/23108/
Coming very soon: An extended version of my Standup Bass Pack, which will include more round robin samples as well as some basic bowed articulations. Also, some Tubular Bell Chimes, a full set of Timpani, an orchestral Tam-Tam Gong, and a non-symphonic instrument that I just happen to love: Celtic Uilleann Pipes.
Thanks for your support,
-- Phill C.
Thanks, folks!
The timpani and tubular bells are ready as soon as I get assistance with tagging the packs (each timpani drum note was sampled 24 times, in increasing velocity from pianissimo to fortissimo - this makes individual sample tagging an arduous process as you can well imagine)!
The TamTam gong is up; you can find it here: https://freesound.org/people/pjcohen/packs/23301/
While waiting for the others, here’s a smaller pack, it’s a set of samples of an African “Doumbek” goblet hand drum. You can check it out here:
— Phill C.