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Started February 25th, 2006 · 8 replies · Latest reply by HerbertBoland 17 years, 11 months ago
I agree!... I would love to see a sample pack appear exactly like the individual sounds with tags, descriptions, comments and ratings... I think sample packs are works of art in themselves...
Also a pack "check box" for sample packs could be added to the search options, that way someone looking for whole groups of related sounds or multisamples could get right to them and get off, maybe even lowering the server load??? (I'm really trying to sell this one...)
There are some previously requested sample pack features, see below:
That all makes sense to me, too. I uploaded a group of fairly different sounds that were nevertheless the product of a single MaxMSP patch. I would have liked to include a technical statement, but putting the same statement in each individual description seemed rather much, when the whole point was to let someone know by reading the pack description what to expect before they went so far as to listen to the sounds.
No doubt every person who organizes a database of this sort realizes that there are endless categories and fields that could be added, and restraint is more of a virtue than "featuritis." Freesound works very well, but perhaps there are features that really would make it better. At least having a description on Sample Packs would be nice--the tags for a Sample Pack could simply be the tags used for the samples.
/.../ I agree!... I think sample packs are works of art in themselves...Also a pack "check box" for sample packs could be added to the search options/.../
(I'm really trying to sell this one...)There are some previously requested sample pack features, see below:
As Pierre Schaeffer spend his whole life thinking about naming sounds, and trying to distinguish sources and sund objects, I find very funny that , 50 years after , anyone can use tags and easy identifications for sounds, this oversimplification implies a way of thinking music, that I dont share.
for example, what is the sound of fire?
does anyone listened to the sound of fire or instead , of things burning?
what does it change if music is composed with the sounds of this database or with other sounds? and who will be able to establish the difference?
jorge sad
very well put but please, please remember.........
1 Fit smoke alarms on each level in your home. Keep them free from dust and test them once a week. Consider buying a 10-year alarm; otherwise change the batteries in your alarm every year.
2 Make a fire action plan so that everyone in your home knows how to escape if there is a fire.
3 Keep the exits form your home clear so that people can escape if there is a fire. Make sure that everyone in your home can easily find keys for doors and windows.
4 Take extra care in the kitchen - accidents while cooking account for over half of fires in homes. Never leave young children alone in the kitchen.
5 Take extra care when cooking with hot oil. Consider buying a deep-fat fryer which is controlled by a thermostat (if you don't already have one).
6 Never leave lit candles in rooms that nobody is in or in rooms where children are on their own. Make sure candles are in secure holders on a surface that does not burn and are away from any materials that could burn.
7 Make sure cigarettes are stubbed out properly, disposed of carefully and never smoke in bed.
8 Get into the habit of closing doors at night. If you want to keep a child's bedroom door open, close the doors to the lounge and kitchen, it may well help save their life if there is a fire.
9 Don't overload electrical sockets. Remember one plug for one socket.
10 Keep matches and lighters where children cannot see or reach them.
I hope i'm not missing the point (again!)
As Pierre Schaeffer spend his whole life thinking about naming sounds, and trying to distinguish sources and sund objects, I find very funny that , 50 years after , anyone can use tags and easy identifications for sounds, this oversimplification implies a way of thinking music, that I dont share.for example, what is the sound of fire?
does anyone listened to the sound of fire or instead , of things burning?
what does it change if music is composed with the sounds of this database or with other sounds? and who will be able to establish the difference?
jorge sad
jorge, your emotions are received, but please expand... i'm not entirely sure what your post *means*...
are you trying to say that categorising sounds makes for a certain kind of listening and hence for those sounds to be used in a certain almost-pre-determined way? where you said anyone can use tags and easy identifications for sounds, this oversimplification implies a way of thinking music i think that's a tad excessive... we use tags to describe the sounds we have uploaded, i'm not exactly sure that the uploaders' tags would implicate the intended use (if there is an intended use!) of those samples...
personally i have a LOT of audio samples on my computer... i NEED a way of cataloging them, so that i don't have to listen to (literally) over a thousand kick drums every time i want a kick drum... what is so wrong with categorising?
again (or still! lol), i'm confused...
your closing questions
what does it change if music is composed with the sounds of this database or with other sounds? and who will be able to establish the difference?
are valid but irrelevant, imho... nothing changes necessarily if a piece of music is created (in whole or in part) from samples available on this site (or anywhere else), it is the creative use of said samples that makes "music" (let's not get into a 'what is music' conversation, please!)... and regarding who will be able to establish the difference - as far as i'm concerned WHO CARES? if the samples available here make a person go on to create an original piece of music then this site's job is done