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Started April 17th, 2006 · 41 replies · Latest reply by Bram 18 years ago
Wow, that was really fast. Thanks.
As far as editing/changing tags, do we send those to you to be approved? Perhaps I'm just dumb, but I can't seem to figure out a way to edit them. (I was just going to fix a couple I saw misspelled, like "ansering-machine" or "rhtyhmic". Sorry to be annoying, but I just finished a big job so I have free time (and sounds to post).
Just make a nicely ordered list. And sent it to me using the contact form.
Something like:
id 1264 aple apple
id 1685 scid skid
I'm sure there are more exceptions that prove the rule ... but that's it - they are exceptions. Don't throw the bathwater out with the baby, or some such inverted saying.
I'm afraid I'm going to be very stubborn about this one though... Neither flickr nor del.icio.us nor nor ccmixter any of the other tag-using communities do pluralization correction, so I'm not going to do it either... Corrections in spelling are hardly fixed either there, but I do believe spelling corrections are quite a good thing to do!
- bram
i quickly hacked up this page:
if someone could take the time and go through this list, marking which ones make sense and which ones don't that would take care of a LOT of the problems we're having....
- bram
The tags need to be reviewed in the context of the samples, to understand what was intended.
e.g. the first five from your list:-
Tag ID sample ID Existing Tag Proposed tag
2883 13244 aa AA
2251 9429 aaa aaah (an exclamatory cry)
2356 9661 aaah aaah is OK
3822 16418 abra / cabra Abracadabra is the correct magician's chant
2609 various Absynth Absynth seems to be correct - a software program?
2927 13523 accelrando accelerando (a musical expression for getting faster)
This could take a while!!
...This is why Freesound let's you tag sounds that aren't yours. You can add tags to any sound! No-one (*no-one*) uses this feature...
Yeah, it's anything but easy...
It's a little bit like a puzzle.
I added some more information on the page to make it easier to spot the wrong ones...
Notice that I only selected those tags that don't contain numbers, nor dashes. There are -right now- 695 tags with a dash, perhaps those should be done later.
- bram
go to a sound and click "add tags" link
Interesting... I'll see if I can help at all with sorting through this as soon as I have some free time. Maybe this weekend.
BTW, It occured to me that del.ici.ous's method for "tag suggestion" wouldn't work here if we did it like they do, I was merely mentioning it as a possible solution for tagging issues. Perhaps we could implement another kind of suggestion system- a pre-emptive "corrections.php". It would check the inputted tag for spelling errors, etc. and offer up some suggestions- preferably, other tags- that the user could select instead.
Maybe it's a permissions issue? I only see that link when I'm looking at one of my own sounds, not when I'm looking at another contributor's sounds. (I can send you screen shots if you want to see what I mean.)
Could you try again?
- bram
I'm with jppi Stu and Corsica S on this one,
there's no "Add Tags" link ...
only "Add / Edit description"
there must have been at one time, as someone has added a Tag to one of mine in the past.
Could you try again?
I finally restarted Opera, got back to this site, and logged in. Now I can't see any detail for any sounds, not even mine. The page starts to load, but... oh, hey, never mind. Working on it as I write?
Now I can see "Add tags" for a sound other than mine. Thanks!
Yes, it's appeared now.
Hey Bram, if you're getting a number of volunteers for this, how about sharing the list
out alphabetically so we don't tread on each other's toes?
Shall I do those starting with 'A'?
I have attempted to edit some misspelled tags, but it seems that all I can do is add a tag and then I have the option of removing the tag I made. I suppose this makes sense in most cases. Perhaps a few people can have the "power" to remove the misspelled tags. (I'm not saying I should be one of those people, but I will do so happily.)
PS I am working on the correction list, starting with Z and working up, maybe someone has started the other way and we meet in the middle somewhere.
ok, i looked at the list http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/corrections.php and made from it three lists of suggested corrections:
first list is misspellings to be corrected. i deliberately omitted some tags that appear to be valid spellings in languages other than english ("telefon", "xilofoon", deliberate misspellings ("oldskool", "noize" and most onomatopoeia (unless there's a common standard spelling)...
second list is tags that i believe are valid and sound-related that should be added to the dictionary. examples are names of instruments ("berimbau", "quinto", brands and manufacturers ("clavia", "sabian", common abbreviations ("adsr", "idm", "vst", etc.
third list is other tags that aren't strictly sound-related but are still valid words in some language. (i'm sure i missed a lot of these, i figured better to leave them alone if i wasn't sure).
i'll put up each list as a separate post now...
5083 accelaration acceleration
2927 accelrando accelerando
382 accoustic acoustic
3761 acustic acoustic
2977 aligator alligator
1773 ambiant ambient
5041 annoucement announcement
2186 announcment announcement
5751 appologetic apologetic
5750 appology apology
5927 arpegio arpeggio
957 athmosphere atmosphere
4759 awsome awesome
4302 babbeling babbling
3311 baloon balloon
6969 bycicle bicycle
3518 carabean Carribean
6601 carrige carriage
2562 casette cassette
6962 chattter chatter
2135 chello cello
1277 cigarrette cigarette
4998 coffeshop coffeeshop
4453 competiton competition
2151 constuction construction
5795 crecendo crescendo
2090 creschendo crescendo
123 cresendo crescendo
5443 cycadas cicadas
5917 cymbol cymbal
5840 cymbols cymbals
5537 didgeeridoo didgeridoo
2294 dischordant discordant
5838 eery eerie
6087 efects effects
4613 elevetor elevator
5141 engin engine
2821 eninge engine
6331 etnic ethnic
3504 exausted exhausted
2853 expiriment experiment
4770 expolsion explosion
4677 exterier exterior
402 femal female
4774 fireing firing
6134 footstteps footsteps
6392 foward forward
6066 fysical physical
5381 glockelspiel glockenspiel
3696 grainular granular
4903 gramaphone gramophone
2421 gutteral guttural
5796 hamonic harmonic
987 hiting hitting
2843 industial industrial
6909 infastructure infrastructure
3706 intereference interference
3470 intrument instrument
3772 jewis Jewish
2589 ktichen kitchen
2751 lazer laser
2115 mdoulation modulation
2166 mecanism mechanism
3437 mettalic metallic
2593 mircrowave microwave
6973 mtorbike motorbike
4949 mulsim Muslim
722 noice noise
4813 noiser noise
882 noisey noisy
2437 nonise noise
2253 nosense nonsense
5162 orchresta orchestra
2538 oszillators oscillators
1171 pecussion percussion
1853 pedastrian pedestrian
1159 percusion percussion
5399 persussions percussions
6369 phomene phoneme
5424 proccesed processed
2197 proccessed processed
1166 procesed processed
876 processsed processed
3244 procressed processed
2820 propeler propeller
4681 propellor propeller
4036 prosessed processed
963 prossessed processed
549 refridgerator refrigerator
5274 regaeton reggaeton
1045 repititions repetitions
3763 residencial residential
5186 resynthesised resynthesised
3040 revereb reverb
4988 reving revving
2456 rhtyhmic rhythmic
263 rhytm rhythm
1950 rhytmic rhythmic
3154 richshaw rickshaw
3769 rithm rhythm
3643 rotaty rotary
1745 rythm rhythm
1149 rythmic rhythmic
2216 rythmmaker rhythmaker
5799 rythms rhythms
4631 saxaphone saxophone
2429 screach screech
1334 screetch screech
4279 seaguls seagulls
4062 shuttting shutting
4406 sinth synth
6343 sounscape soundscape
782 spacy spacey
5265 speach speech
819 sqaure square
250 sqeak squeak
1617 sqeaky squeaky
787 squeek squeak
6319 squeeking squeaking
510 squeeks squeaks
1158 squeeky squeaky
756 squeel squeal
3521 squek squeak
6964 streched stretched
1285 streenoise street-noise
2363 suspance suspense
1004 synt synth
1112 syntesis synthesis
5301 syth synth
1396 sytnhpad synthpad
5842 tamborine tambourine
5830 tamburine tambourine
5215 televiosion television
6629 temination termination
1946 terrestric terrestrial
636 theramin theremin
1174 thight tight
3698 tighrope tightrope
6456 timestreched timestretched
2929 toilett toilet
1289 tremelo tremolo
4310 tropcal tropical
2638 ucraine Ukraine
5688 vangaurd vanguard
5923 vinyle vinyl
4595 vioce voice
6577 voicmail voicemail
6344 vynil vinyl
1046 wierd weird
4575 williasmburg Williamsburg
4928 wirr whirr
4286 wishtling whistling
877 woosh whoosh
5870 xilophone xylophone
2609 absynth
1667 adsr
4855 agogo
4110 aif
1682 aiff
1685 analogx
3058 arco
1936 arp
6420 arpeg
1328 arpeggiated
2365 arpeggiator
492 bajo
2550 bandolin
2617 berimbau
1319 bidule
254 boing
4210 boomy
2051 bpm
752 buzzy
6240 cabasa
1690 carvin
477 clave
6822 clavecin
6507 claves
488 clavia
1927 clochette
5536 cmajor
1259 cminor
2893 csound
6244 cuica
3817 darbuka
96 demung
319 detuned
131 djembe
2921 dnb
176 dtmf
338 dumbek
1681 dynabass
4539 ebow
2275 echoplex
1505 efx
1358 electribe
482 electro
1670 electronica
1016 eq
6848 erhu
5815 evp
1204 fadein
6250 flac
326 flanger
304 fx
1084 gabber
94 gamelan
5884 golpes
1858 granulab
4454 gtr
6242 guiro
6996 guzheng
2043 hifi
408 hihat
5031 hitom
4180 hofner
847 idm
1832 improv
1569 kalimba
6993 kayageum
6994 kayagum
2029 korg
316 koto
1756 kyma
1150 lfo
3022 lobit
27 lofi
5032 lotom
4579 marantz
342 mbira
2424 melisma
6290 melodica
1156 memorymoog
5868 metallophone
7033 micromoog
585 mpeg
2687 msp
1411 multi
2920 multiphonics
1161 multisample
6989 multisampled
1361 nord
1544 nyquist
366 osc
3060 ostinato
5841 pandeiro
484 pcm
1680 peavey
95 pelog
966 perc
944 phaser
463 piezo
6992 portasound
1326 ppg
6489 pzm
5881 quinto
1503 reaktor
5988 remo
5199 resampled
201 reverb
1834 reverbed
2882 sabian
3232 samisen
2450 santoor
2347 sarod
3236 saz
4577 sennheiser
1845 sfx
1980 shakuhachi
3233 shamisen
340 sistrum
6843 soca
5752 softsynth
3306 soundesign
6165 strat
4066 supercollider
3388 tamboura
3839 tambura
3595 tannoy
6722 timbales
6774 trautonium
5882 tumba
5098 tuva
4076 tuvan
1380 valiha
6237 vibraslap
2683 vibratone
399 vocoded
401 vocoder
1332 vox
3611 vst
960 wah
2753 wav
6997 zheng
2555 zildjian
1267 andalucia
1008 anderstein
5479 avocet
3900 avocets
5977 bharatpur
6714 bhushan
2035 boqueria
5783 buell
2719 cabletv
5952 capoeira
6122 deutsch
6708 dharamshala
5228 dreidel
3283 firenze
5022 flickr
1167 fubar
5631 gyuto
6711 himachal
6844 hofbrauhaus
3492 hoopoe
6896 hydepark
5231 katana
6897 kensington
5624 kuala
5627 kualalumpur
5201 kungfu
5920 ligeti
5625 lumpur
3663 marseille
3673 mcdonalds
3658 montpellier
375 morricone
3993 moskva
4948 mumbai
5434 nascar
6712 pradesh
3456 puja
2459 scifi
1942 seti
6799 sevilla
2526 shankar
3527 tantric
2360 uboat
1674 williamsburg
4879 zippo