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Started March 30th, 2021 · 4 replies · Latest reply by FiveBrosStopMosYT 3 years, 7 months ago
I recently acquired a sampler (Po-33) and have been using sounds here to make some beats.
The way this sampler works is it will record audio, and chop it up in 16 parts at the loudest points to make a "kit".
My work process have been finding the 16 sounds I want, stitching them up in one short sound file to transfer to the Po-33 so they all fit in one "kit".
So in a way a sample pack for a Po-33 isn't a regular folder with individual samples in it, it's one sound file with 16 samples in it.
I have not seen many sample-packs under this format on the internet.
Is it safe for me to use sounds here under the public domain licence, and re-upload them as a pack, I intend to credit/link the sounds I used for the pack! Only claiming regrouping sounds from other people.
While I intend to credit the specific source of the sample, I'm curious if I have to or if "All sounds from public domain found on Freesound" would do? (Again I prefer to credit people, just curious how public domain stuff works)
Many thanks!
Hello Sadiquecat!
So, If I understand you right, the sounds you're sampling are all public domain, if that's the case you can literally do anything with them, even resell them on another site, (though that's discouraged and is pretty dishonest.) With Public Domain there's no requirement to credit, or even use the same license, you could put your kits under CC-By or even CC-By-NC. As for posting the kits here, it depends if the kits are a sound or if they're some foreign format that's not a sound, as Freesound only allows sound effects to be posted. As long as it's a audio file you should be golden!
Hope this helped!
Thank you, it did help!
Seems like it's all good to go then
I will indeed be posting sound files
The "kits" are one sound file.
The way the device works is, it will record audio and then split it in 16 parts, to make a kit.
Sampling sounds one by one would take-up a full kit for one sound, hence why a specific sound file that plays multiple sounds one after the other is desirable
Hope that clarifies what I'm doing.
Sincerely thank you for your help.
Awesome! Always glad to be a help! I'll be watching for your work!