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Started May 15th, 2024 · 56 replies · Latest reply by newlocknew 9 months ago
No changes in your sounds.
I'm sorry.
kevp888 wrote:
Hi all !Did someone notice any change recently ?
June 5 2024
Latest investigation (I am not A freesound.org engeneer so I, I mean A friend of mine just used open source data.
I did find out that the latest sound of you, downloaded by 101soundboards.com seems to be from September 2nd, 2023. I could not find a newer one.
It was your sound; https://freesound.org/people/kevp888/sounds/671273/?
If you look in the download list you see that that day user ccc123 downloaded it. And is known as a large number downloader before in this forum post
see https://freesound.org/people/kevp888/sounds/671273/?downloaders=2
@newlocknew and other investigators and freesound.org tech team
These users were mentioned as possible suspect in this investigation by @newlocknew
194222 sounds downloaded
Latest Download on September 25th, 2020
Suspect for me because the latest few hundred downloads are High Quality douns from @tim.kahn
156880 sounds downloaded
Latest Download on January 29th, 2024
Suspect for me
14214 sounds downloaded
Latest Downloaded on June 5th, 2024
Not a suspect for me because many sound downloaded are not on 1010soundboards
8863 sounds downloaded
Latest Downloaded on November 8th, 2020
Not investigated yet by me
Hi friends !
@klankbeeld : thank you and your friend very much for such a detailed search !
Seems like thing are mooving on the right way :
When I try to access to my sounds via a google search, it looks like they’re not available on 101soundboards, and when the URL opens, I’m notified about an error, and that the sound has been reported.
In my opinion, it looks quite encouraging.
Wishing you all the best !
After investigating my sounds download list, I might add some more suspect profiles (as you can see, all of them downloaded hundred thousands of sounds in a few months only) :
- https://freesound.org/people/yuchen22314/ : more than 4 millions downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/liuhaitao034/ : 290 770 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/tanyadhana/ : 602087 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/fortake2/ : 810703 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/zhiguoxiang/ : 134267 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/xinhao_mei/ : 627595 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/illia_ai/ : 521605 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/fortake1/ : 189941 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/fortake3/ : 188953
Wishing you all the best !
kevp888 wrote:
Did someone notice any change recently ?
kevp888's files
After you posted, I tried searching for your sounds as well. Nearly all links redirect to soundboards now. The only sound I could find is Ls 33895 Ph Ethnicdrums #tribe #atmosphere #gong #instruments #voices @kevp888 — (LS_33895_PH_EthnicDrums.wav).
Change in linking to licenses
What seems new to me is that CC0 and CC BY-NC are now correctly linked at the few examples I checked. Before, everything linked to CC BY. This satisfies 3.a.1.A.v.* ("a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the extent reasonably practicable;").
However the text is always "CC License", which is incorrect and supports the common misconception that "Creative Commons" is only one thing/license with no regard for the differences between CC0/Attribution-only/Noncommercial etc. This likely violates 3.a.1.A.iii.* ("a notice that refers to this Public License;") and 3.a.1.C.* ("indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License.").
CC Sampling+ sounds incorrectly link to CC BY license (see examples list further below).
Multiple attribution requirements still not satisfied
The name requirement (3.a.1.A.i.* "identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated);") seems insufficient and a link to the original (3.a.1.A.v.* "a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the extent reasonably practicable;") is missing. So is information about potential modification (re-encoding might qualify), see 3.a.1.B.* "indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and retain an indication of any previous modifications;"
Noncommercial issues remain
Ads have not been removed from pages with CC BY-NC sounds and an ad is forced for accessing download still and CC BY-NC content remains online. Either might violate the CC BY-NC license.
Examples of each of the 4 licenses on Freesound
Suggested changes
Currently the info section of a CC BY sound page on 101soundboards looks like this:
I believe these changes would satisfy the requirements in most cases for CC BY (version without highlighting here):
Additional terms are possible
Depening on the description of sounds on Freesound additional requirements might be present (3.a.1.A.* "retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:" and 3.a.1.A.ii.* "a copyright notice;").
Also, for example when one author remixes another CC BY sound on freesound, the original author also requires attribution. See potential plural "creator(s)" in 3.a.1.A.i.* "identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated);" as well as 3.a.1.B.* "[...] retain an indication of any previous modifications [...]".
This is on case-by-case basis. In this post I'm illustrating my interpretation of the minimum requirement for legal distribution.
Linking to the original (which is required anyway) at least makes it possible to find such potentially information.
License quotes
*I refer to the CC BY license terms when quoting license paragraphs in this post. Multiple CC BY-NC and CC Sampling+ terms differ.
License translations
For readers who are more comfortable with other languages, Creative Commons offers translations via top right corner:
kevp888 wrote:
After investigating my sounds download list, I might add some more suspect profiles (as you can see, all of them downloaded hundred thousands of sounds in a few months only) :- https://freesound.org/people/yuchen22314/ : more than 4 millions downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/liuhaitao034/ : 290 770 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/tanyadhana/ : 602087 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/fortake2/ : 810703 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/zhiguoxiang/ : 134267 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/xinhao_mei/ : 627595 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/illia_ai/ : 521605 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/fortake1/ : 189941 downloads.
- https://freesound.org/people/fortake3/ : 188953
Wishing you all the best !
kevp888 wrote:
@qubodu : Thank you very much !
Indeed ! I think 101soundboards should follow you as a legality advisor, and honestly, I hope they’re reading this thread too, as your work shall be very useful for them !Wishing you all the best !
In general, today I checked the status of my sounds on the site again www.101soundboards.com . I looked through the search results that Google gave me. There are a total of 27 results with sounds of different licenses. Yes. Now in the LICENSE field, the links to the corresponding licenses are correct everywhere. Many sounds are transcoded to MP3. But the most interesting thing is that I decided to check, and typed in through their search engine, randomly selected my own sounds (which are on freesound). I found 7 results (sounds of different licenses too). This search could be continued, as you understand. But it seemed to me that this was enough to understand that nothing has been deleted to this day. And it looks like they really somehow hid many of the sounds from the GOOGLE query.
newlocknew wrote:
I decided to check, and typed in through their search engine, randomly selected my own sounds (which are on freesound). I found 7 results (sounds of different licenses too).
I see 3 of your sounds on Google: sounds/2695140…ch-at-newlockn, 26975926-hydro…etal-hits-atmo, 26955064-rippi…e-at-newlockne ( Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Usds0QP )
When I search for your name on 101, only two show up ( Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/Z3KIrHg.png ).
The second one is a false match and the first one (27711708-10-ne…he-doll-attack / 517373) not from a site rip of freesound but apparently from a game rip.
kevp888 wrote:
Searching my sounds with Google search engine, it looks like they’re not available on 101soundboards anymore
qubodup wrote:newlocknew wrote:
I decided to check, and typed in through their search engine, randomly selected my own sounds (which are on freesound). I found 7 results (sounds of different licenses too).I see 3 of your sounds on Google: sounds/2695140…ch-at-newlockn, 26975926-hydro…etal-hits-atmo, 26955064-rippi…e-at-newlockne ( Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Usds0QP )
When I search for your name on 101, only two show up ( Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/Z3KIrHg.png ).
The second one is a false match and the first one (27711708-10-ne…he-doll-attack / 517373) not from a site rip of freesound but apparently from a game rip.
kevp888 wrote:
Searching my sounds with Google search engine, it looks like they’re not available on 101soundboards anymore
I can only find one of your sounds (sounds/2689601…ces-at-kevp888), which for some reason has the license field removed ( Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/7snZs5F.png )
You can try to put it in the search engine on 101, for example, this is my sound: GLASCrsh_Shards Of Glass Collide In space.Dry_EM
It is with a non-commercial license. I just checked it myself.