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Started August 6th, 2024 · 1 reply · Latest reply by andreacfromtheapp 7 months ago
Hi all,
I am learning Rust and I made a CLI utility to credit Freesound samples: https://github.com/gacallea/freesound-credits
## What does it do
It scans the given folder for Freesound samples and generates a markdown file
that you may use to give credit where credit is due. It takes care of both old
(ID_artist_sample) and new (ID__artist__sample) Freesound naming standards.
## Giving credits
If you are like me, crediting samples was something you begrudgingly did in the
past. Not because you didn't want to, but because it was cumbersome and
tedious. Thanks to this CLI utility it takes seconds now!
## Status
The CLI utility is at an early stage but it does what it needs to do. In the
future, I'd like to add templating for the output file, more DAWs, and metadata
extensions filter out. For now it's aware of `.asd` and `.reapeaks` extensions.
I did the best I could with what I have. I've tested it with Ableton, Reaper,
and Renoise projects on macOS. Logic Pro X uses no metadata and a clean Audio
files folder, thus I decided to add it but it hasn't been tested. However, any
DAW with these characteristics should work out of the box.
## Feedback
I would appreciate any feedback and possibly contributions. I tried looking for
other DAWs Audio Files folder structures and metadata files, if any, with
little success. If anyone using other DAWs (Bitwig, Studio One, Reason, etc..),
could file an issue on GitHub with the details, to either test or confirm, it
would help immensely.
Adding the data to the app is one thing. If you could help test that it
actually does what it's supposed to do, it would be great! I'd also would
appreciate to know if it works on Windows and Linux just fine.
In conclusion,
I hope this tool can help you credit the generous artists who contribute to
this amazing community. From now on it can be a piece of cake!