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Started June 4th, 2023 · 10 replies · Latest reply by 97io 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m still suffering from the anxiety and depression and worst of all the stress and oppression of others and all their many mental illnesses that are always untreated by anyone of good counsel because we’re talking about roommates who have severe mental illnesses that are very serious and they don’t get treated until they are required by the authorities and they don’t have any decent emotional feelings like very serious love committed relationships are something this type never succeeds at anything good like that.
They are the Narcissist who is only thinking about himself and has feelings or cares for others, but they maybe Able to pretend they have feelings like empathy. They can claim anything but they don’t have the fruits in the tree they’re more dried up and dying from their diseases of ignorance mental illness obesity and will probably develop a cancerous tumor in his ugly head.zombies are more alive than these monsters are🧟♂️👹the ones who’ve already been a problem before you met him so don’t blame yourself because they certainly willingly given all the blame for his problems his stupid nightmare fears or lack of planing isn’t my problem and I’m the man who has enough of their bogus excuses and then call em on the more ridiculous story ever since since they were all panicked about Covid and my roommates were both extremely uneducated and they lacked empathy for their families and friends and zero respect got from the Mark wolf whom is the worst possible mental case Ive ever seen and I have seen enough mental patients and those have higher levels of intelligence and strength of personality and good character than these sociopath have. They are the trash of humanity our monsters 👺 they’re the biggest vampires and they were all just our worst victims but not really, it’s typical of theme to lie cheat steal and they all justify their crimes against us because we offended them and they are so weak minded they actually believe their bullshit and expect you to buy their bullshit too👹 many people foolish enough to believe the lies and excuses of the insane narcissist who has attached themselves with their prey victim and suck their life blood and soul for their Narcissistic supply of validation and then they get small amounts of the feeling that they’re after but then it’s gone suddenly they are emotionally empty again they are everywhere hiding in plain site and they haven’t any shame of course they’re gonna say it’s your fault they served you and you are failing them they all feel they are greatly under appreciated and they’re special but most of haven’t done anything to help humanity or done anything positive at all and lest they help others they don’t care to do that honor. It’s just in them they are lacking in any kind of compassion and those type we’re just sick of them because they raged constantly trying to get their demands. The people who like me cared enough for human beings rights liberty and freedom vs. tyranny and concern for others ylnrw the research was not enough and we shouldn’t rush but use caution ⚠️ and not take the vaccine as a preventative measures,?and for what we were told but they didn’t prove anything with evidence that it wasn’t true but they were fools who did not think or do anything like learn more about it but they instead listened to their stupid liars in media and their fake DrFauci propagandists pill pushers Pfizer and their not even required by law to be honest’!! And they were given false information about actual flu virus that was turned into a coronavirus that mutated in a second to be renamed Covid and then spread fears about disregard for their fake vaccine which they never had proved but claiming safe and effective it was neither.
I’m lucky that I read so many comic books and science fiction stories about this germ warfare and I was only one interested in research on the subject of medicine genetics and eugenics and I had to read all those books about the future because my father did vandals all his academic friends were talking about it all when I was a child I listen to them and learned very early the world was ruled by a small group of people such as kings and the wealthy elites were all in on this plot of theirs was to be I’m incremental steps towards total tyranny. I was smart enough to understand but confused about why would they be so against the further progress and forward higher profits but they believed wrongly in decay death of civilization because of course they were killing it for their profit. The fact someone who was opposed to life and prosperity and wanted more wars was an ignorant and alien idea to me and counterproductive forbidden by laws in most of the world to sell death and destruction and promote death instead of lifesaving real medicine cures not death shots but they’re not going to make money on those drugs they wanted to sell their useless crap and force it into their victims and they would profit immediately and they would be as rich and powerful as kings and make millions and their secrets for their people according their own papers they were looking for immortality a drug that helped them live forever while their subjects were short lived in the poverty zone they were the people that only lived to served their masters. They would not be allowed to take the immortality elixir and don’t even rate as important for their idea of future generations of their families and not your children around but yours mine and others would be no more if they get their way👹 and they would sacrifice the children and in darkness to pagan gods force their power and they destroy the creation of God violated their own lives and all the earth has been damaged because of them they were supposed to be farm workers and builders they were not but psychopaths who destroyed everything and those people were on full display every day and they made me sick to my stomach I knew them whom started back lying to people about the aids and other faked lab made biological gain of function warfare possibly more dangerous contagious than ever but I had increased faith that Gods planned forced us into this and trust in him to saved me from this and it didn’t happen but I was told by my God to be a voice for freedom of not taking their jabs and refusing the vaccine and not wear the masks and not being vaccinated is a stand for oneself and try to be the influence that others needed to see and hear the word freedom of choice not the vaccine which I called the Mark of the Besst and other craft memes that we all were inspired to post in social media and risked getting banned for that reason but we’re successful and may have saved some few thousand humans from that fate worse than deaths
We’ve survived this plandemic for fools and we’re no fools we’ve asked hey why what’s this about and what’s going on really sad they’ve never answer for the crimes all because Obama gave the big pharmaceutical company a legal pass on all liability for death harm injuries caused by their drug so they finally were set free by Obama so they could sell whatever drugs they’re making no consequences to pay family members for the deaths of families who took the vaccine. I did research on medication and found that they tested in Africa and killed a lot of people and weren’t allowed back those Fauci and Gates are wanted there for the Murders of children, I am in family lost people. This is what they cover it up. They tested this seminary Road vaccine was tested. They covered it up because your great loss of life in the trails that were in Africa and India and it killed all the animals it tested.