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Started September 16th, 2024 · 5 replies · Latest reply by Sadiquecat 5 months, 3 weeks ago
lately ive noticed how most of the audio files i've uploaded were unassigned and i'm wondering if that's a bug or an issue? or is there a lack of moderators for the file to be checked?
that aside, can i sign up to volunteer at FS? i remember someone asked that before on here but i'm not sure where to signup or who to contact ..
I don't know whether to upload files or is there a problem with content moderation
Hello there,
It's up to the moderators to assign tickets to themselves. They'll do so depending on their availability. So, before a moderator is available, a ticket will generally remain "unassigned" in the pool.
Don't worry—your ticket is in the queue. It just seems like we currently have a little less time or staff, but you're not forgotten.
While I'm at it, here's a reminder to anyone reading: To avoid being deferred and having to wait a little longer, make sure your uploads have a minimum of three good tags—the more, the better. Preferably, tags should be one word but can also be multi-word (e.g., "train-station"). Additionally, ensure that the description covers what we're hearing (subject, location) and/or how it was made (technique, gear/software used).
If a sound includes someone else's work, make sure you have permission and that it matches their licensing or is more restrictive (for example, if you remix a CC-BY sound, you must at least match that license or make it CC-BY-NC). And of course, credit them properly (Title, Author, Source/Link, License).
Kind regards,
Sadiquecat - A Freesound moderator