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Started October 27th, 2024 · 9 replies · Latest reply by soundowsom 2 months, 1 week ago
Out of curiosity, if anyone has a Iphone 16 pro, mind recording a few things?
Id be curious to hear recordings with it given their advertisement of "studio quality mics"
Id be happy to hear A-B tests between it and a typical audio recorder or your usual setup ^^
I don't expect miracles but given there's already good recording with phones, id like to see how far it can go in a pinch, and how the stereo holds up ^^
see this
nice but not a wonder
Most of these youtube reviews seem to highlight the vocal treatment and noise canceling features.
There was this one showing it as a handheld interview mic (at the start other wise it's again the noise canceling feature) : https://youtu.be/mizqK4JHaYg?si=_6fElb4n1rZ7ifLw
I'm more curious about soundscape, or foley recording. Which youtube doesn't seem to focus much on.
I expect actual hand handheld recorders to out perform it of course, but I'm curious to how it sounds.
Someone did send me a 30s recording, and due to the "voice memo" app it was a mono recording, also m4a so I had to convert it before being able to open it in audacity.
I was expecting more self noise, I wonder if it had some auto denoise?
I wonder the stereo width with phone recordings can have, not just iphone id be curious to hear more phone recordings of any band/budget and how good/bad they can be.
Sadiquecat wrote:
Someone did send me a 30s recording, and due to the "voice memo" app it was a mono recording, also m4a so I had to convert it before being able to open it in audacity.
Audacity will open m4a if you install FFmpeg ... https://support.audacityteam.org/basics/installing-ffmpeg