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Started October 23rd, 2006 · 7 replies · Latest reply by ericendres 18 years, 4 months ago
I'm looking for a good quality sound of those new kind of car remote noises, when you press the button to unlock or lock your car... you know, it's like 'chee chee'. I haven't been able to find anything like that, but then again I'm not sure exactly what to search for. Anyway, thanks in advance if you can help me out with that.
Hi there. It's more of the high-pitched, fast "chee chee" or "bwoop bwoop" that I'm looking for.
Uploading "car chirp" this weekend
I created it with a 2.2KHz sine wave coupled with a 1KHz sine...
To make the distinctive "CHIRP" I brought up the pitch wildly in the first milisecond and then quickly down. Finally serving it with a hint of reverb.
Here it is...
I'm sure a REAL car alarm setting would sound better - but this one's all mine.
Hey, that sounds great. Thank you! It's not quite as fast as most of those things are, but I can easily squeeze that to be faster.
Actually, instead of squeezing it, I just cut some of the space between the two, which sounds perfect. I'll upload that version with "_edit" on the end of the filename, in case anyone wants that.
Thanks again, FreqMan!