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Started October 11th, 2016 · 3 replies · Latest reply by balloonhead 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I would greatly appreciated if someone helped me by recording themselves saying:
"Pine Meadows a quiet town with a population of 15,000, where everybody knew each other and lived in tranquility.
That was until March 12, 1999.
With the murder of a straight A student and aspiring athlete.
The teen was killed in what appeared to be a brutal manner.
This horrific incident shook the entire town
And with so little evidence the case was never solved.
Until now."
If anyone has any sounds of news reporters they'd like to share that would be amazing!
Thank you!
After the moderation the wave should be available here:
Somehow I had to record this again today (2025). Better Equipment leads to much better results. I can hear the difference 8 years ago to now.