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Started March 30th, 2006 · 7 replies · Latest reply by xinit 18 years, 6 months ago
Hey there,
inspired by (amongst other things) the wonderful movie L.I.E. from 2001 directed by Michael Cuesta, which is shot on many different locations in Long Island but where you can hear the Long Island Expressway in the background of every scene, I'm working on a record that is somehow dedicated to expressways – or highways. I wanna use different sets of field recordings from some locations here in Hamburg, Germany. The theme will maybe also be used for the visual part of the record.
Well, I will do some recording soon, right now the wheather is just not comfy enough for my lazy ass. I was thinking about sharing them here. Another thought was: why not trying to integrate other locations, other perspectives? Sort of travelling without travelling. So does anybody have recordings of highways or expressways and wants to share? Or is interested in doing some? Can be everything from rather close focus to captured from far away – for example if you live close to a highway, just open the window, put out the mic and record. I will integrate credits for the origin, of course.
Would be so great to hear something from somebody.
Thanks + best regards,
I have plenty of general recordings of traffic -- it's a constant ingredient in any field recordings made in an urban setting. I could actively seek to gather an interstate recording (loud, fast trucks and zipping cars) or post some local traffic sounds for you. What do you prefer -- slow-moving stuff where the engines and tires are distinct or "big highway" sounds?
@luffy: that would be awesome!
@cognito perceptu: I'm especially looking for "big pictures" of highways. Like recorded from a distance, making them sound pretty diffused. That's what I have in mind. But if you can show me a selection of your other traffic recordings, I would be glad to give them a listen, too. Thanks a lot!
As soon as the wind dies down I'll go out to the interstate and four-lane highway and get you a recording. (It may take a couple of days -- it's raining right now.)
Well unfortunately it has rained four weekends in a row here. It is not raining now, but there is big black rain clouds looming overhead. Though I did get a nice sample of rain, if you want to it out.
Rain is here http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/samplesViewSingle.php?id=18330
I'm going to stick my recording stuff in the car today. If its not raining on the way back from the library I'll get some highway sounds.
I'm at the office right now, and just joined, so haven't had the chance to upload the files to the archive here directly, but I do have some night street noises using pretty low-fi techniques, and I had released it under the Attrib-NonCommercial CC license at http://cathode.raytu.be/
I'm going to be transitioning it to a CC Sample+ license which I wasn't aware of, and will be uploading it, but feel free to use it now if it works for you; I'll be updating that site by this weekend.