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Started April 26th, 2006 · 12 replies · Latest reply by martian 18 years, 9 months ago
Hey there!
Does anybody have some rollercoaster yells at hand?
I just need a big attraction-style yell
It's the best without any other noise like music etc...
Just want to let you know that I uploaded the sounds @
http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/samplesViewSingle.php?id=18652 and
The first one is the pure, unedited one. The second one is a somewhat cleaned-up version.
However, I must admit that the quality is less than stellar... :? Perhaps it is of use for you, but don't worry if it isn't because there is a reason why I didn't put them on Freesound before...
Indeed LG, it is a bit unclear what it is about.
The attention goes to the sound of the installation in the themepark instead of to the screaming.
Maybe I'll record it with a few people who are driving nuts behind there computers!
but anyway, thanks!
I recorded some yells like that a while ago on a fair, but there is also loud music playing in the recording I 've uploaded. I'll look into my archives, maybe there's a part where the music has stopped playing for a moment. If so, I'll add it to my sounds.
have fun !
nice... thanks for the help. It brings some ideas
How did this go? Is it expired request? I think I have a few - i did a job on a local funfair a few years ago - was promotional material so got them to turn the music off when shooting - I have the archive disk somewhere.....
Can dig it out if you still need..
Sound ideas 6032 and 6056 also have some coaster passes with screams...
If you have a scream sample or 2 already try loading it in and doing slight pitch bends on a few to simulate doppler..... :wink:
You have any toys? http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=805
I'm actually a roller coaster enthusiast and know the odd sounds that have been circulating around the scene of computer games and for programs on amusement park rides on the Discovery Channel and the like. I haven't looked yet but I'm guessing to google for the game Roller Coaster Tycoon. I'm sure you'll get hold of some sounds from that, especially on fan sites of the game.
putting them up now...
these are longer than the 6000 series too -
screams and passes....
now ....ahem.... if anybody feels like recording some toys- I need as many different ones as possible...
hint hint!