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I created this sound by generating it with MMSSTV software. An image of Rick Astley in the background, with overlay text on top of it using a template. Then I added a white noise static and mixed it together in Audacity, extending the length and simulating a fading effect. The callsign is completely fake, non-existent.
This is the result when scanned back:
Could be cool to use as an easter egg in a game.
https://freesound.org/people/CZghost/sounds/613699/ by CZghost
Please make sure to mention me in credits.
Wave (.wav)
File size
6.3 MB
Sample rate
11025.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit
3 years, 2 months ago
Just to clarify, the extra white noise at the end is first of all to ensure the sound is loopable, and to mitigate a "repeating" effect once it loops, so it doesn't loop too quickly. It was already designed as a game content in mind, it's meant to be used as an ambient noise. Let's say you want to include a radio model in your game level design. Why not give it a seeming function by including some ambient noise for it? This is a pretty easter egg to include in your game which allows your players to elaborate a little bit for finding the easter egg once they hear the SSTV reception taking place. For example, Portal and Portal 2 also include SSTV easter eggs in it.