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Hey, my psudoname is Sadiquecat. English pronunciation would be sad-eak-cat or Sadik-cat ;) I enjoy a variety of hobbies and recording sounds is one of them.
My gear is Zoom H5, ZoomH2n, Tascam FR-1V2, Soundman OKM I, Rode NT5, Korg CM-300. And I use Moondrop Aria, Moondrop chu, or Vmoda M100 or Superlux HD681B for monitoring. I often use Audacity to process my sounds.
I want a world where people aren't hindered to their creativity, and where everyone should have the tools they need to contribute to the world. Ofc everything has a cost, and I hope things can live on a donation model. I haven't set-up any donation page yet. But I hope I can continue to do what I love and share the results for free :) Such as my music : https://sadiquecat.bandcamp.com/
My sounds are in public domain CC0. Attribution is greatly appreciated but not required. Recommendation : X sound by Sadiquecat on Freesound.org Please do leave a comment on why/how you listen/use the sound. Or a link to your project! :) Each comment is very rewarding!