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Subject : Light rain
Date : 2023 07 30 05h15.
Location : South France. Urban area.
Notes : Placed on a balcony 3m above the ground ish.
Due to the ITD (Interaural Time Difference) nature of this recording, headphones or IEM's are highly recommended for an accurate stereo. Even if you have good speakers! And is thus not recommended for projects where an audience will be listening on speakers!
Hardware : Zoom H5 as recorder. Rode NT5 microphones in a ORTF configuration. H5's gain level was set to 7ish.
Processing : Trim only, no gain.
Attribution is greatly appreciated but not required. Recommendation : X sound by Sadiquecat on Freesound.org
there's a parallel recording here in XY mode https://freesound.org/people/Sadiquecat/sounds/697905/
Hope you enjoy :)
PS: Id love to hear how you use this sound, feel free to link your creations or share how/why you listen to this :)
Wave (.wav)
File size
146.4 MB
Sample rate
48000.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit