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There's a parallel and better recording here : https://freesound.org/people/Sadiquecat/sounds/697904/
Subject : Light rain
Date : 2023 07 30 05h15.
Location : South France. Urban area.
Notes : Placed on a balcony 3m above the ground ish.
Hardware : Zoom H5 as recorder with stock XY microphones. Gain level 10
Processing : Trim only, no gain.
Attribution is greatly appreciated but not required. Recommendation : X sound by Sadiquecat on Freesound.org
Hope you enjoy :)
PS: Id love to hear how you use this sound, feel free to link your creations or share how/why you listen to this :)
Wave (.wav)
File size
146.4 MB
Sample rate
48000.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit