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Subject : A single note of a Remeau Upright piano in a spacious living-room. It wasn't against a wall kind of against a stair-case with a solid cubic meter of breathing room behind it.
Date YMD : 2025 03 17 at night.
Location : Thuir France.
Hardware : Tascam FR-AV2 and Rode NT5 in a XY configuration
Weather :
Processing : Trimmed and Normalized in Audacity, with fades in/out.
Notes : Sampled from above the keys. I sampled all the C4 octave up to C5, there's also a recordings of all A C E notes of the piano (didn't do every single note of the piano).
Sadly the home wasn't as silent as id like, there's some hiss and there were the odd crack/pop out of no where every minute or so... Ruining the recordings :/ (Some of these piano samples have a crack in them due to this, though I tried to fade/trim them out or re-record.)
Tips :
Attribution is greatly appreciated but not required. Recommendation : X sound by Sadiquecat on Freesound.org in CC0 licence.
Hope you enjoy :)
PS: Id love to hear how you use this sound, feel free to link your creations or share how/why you listen to this :)
Wave (.wav)
File size
8.0 MB
Sample rate
192000.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit