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One of many recordings of the same, yet so different each time. It's late at night in my neighborhood (maybe 00:30) -and it starts peacefully, but gets agitated along the track. even for such a lively street, tonight it's surpassingly busy. Some neighbors hangin around on their balconies, one seems to have left the window open #4:29, the staff of the adjacent pub are having a cigarette break, then one #5:39, two #6:30, three sirens #7:00, as the voices get increasingly excited. Someone is talking loudly through the intercom. Some things are going on, and all at the same time #6:51...
This recording is made on the backside of the building, above the parking lots.
Wave (.wav)
File size
378.5 MB
Sample rate
96000.0 Hz
Bit depth
32 bit