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Here are some answers to the questions people ask: - I am the artist/creator of all my sounds. - I assert full ownership and copyright claims over all my sounds. - I also assert full ownership over the likeness rights in my own voice. - You are welcome to use any of these sounds in your creative projects. Please respect the license for each sound. License Summary: You must give credit when you use these sounds and you can't use them commercially (but see below for commercial use). - You may not re-serve or redistribute my sounds as 'stock' sounds, or redistribute them on YouTube or in sound collections or archives - not even free ones.
Attribution For general creative use simply credit me (as speedenza) and provide a link to freesound.org.
Commercial Use I use Noncommercial licenses mainly to prevent my sounds being sold as stock. If you want to use them commercially then feel free to PM me. I often agree to commercial use as long as it's for creative purposes.
Please note that freesound isn't completely 'free' - it costs money to run and, unlike most sites, carries no advertising. If you find the sounds useful, please consider making a donation to the site - it's very quick and easy. Alternatively, you can buy some of the lovely merchandise that freesound often sells. It all helps to support this wonderful site...