I am Tiam is Tiam. I write music and words, and record sounds...though not as often as I should ;)
Most of my recordings originate as 2/4 channel 16-bit WAVs from my Zoom H2's internal mics. I usually upload q7(quality 7) ogg conversions to freesound, due to my limited internet connection. With very short sounds -- under one minute -- I will often use flac instead.
Ogg's are considered transparent around q4/q5; at q7 artifacts are entirely inaudible except with difficult synthetic sounds, or if audio is heavily processed post-encoding(ie, radical EQ).
As most of my recordings are non-synthetic sounds, this is generally a non-issue. However, if you desire flac copies, I will do my best to provide them upon request.
Most of my sounds are attribution-noncommercial; if that's a problem just drop me a line and we'll work something out ;)
If you'd like to check out my very eclectic musical output, you can find it here:
and/or here:
...or on everyone's favorite time-sink, facebook:
Tim - 'Tiam is Tiam'
http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14560.png?skin_name=chrome <-Freesound Pledgie