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Stereo Field-recording of a kermis organ in a small German town while a funfair. The recorded selfplaying organ machine was build in 1904 by a Bavarian organ builder. It works with folded papers that have holes to code the music. Outside you see a barocklike design with angels drumming and a moving conductor in the middle etc. Each musical play has always about 6 to 12 music tracks. The music are folksongs or popular music at the beginning of the 20th century. I separated the tracks by cutting and converted them from wav to mp3. The first part of this track I named "Promenade". The second part (where the rhythm changes) has the title "Gluehwuermchen". Its a folksong about a little beetle that glows with its bottom in the dark.
Mp3 (.mp3)
File size
1.6 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
128 kbps
5 months, 1 week ago
yes, that sounds like an original fairground...
wit clownes...
10 years, 3 months ago
The Song is from the Operette "Frau Luna" from Paul Lincke.
Name: "Gluehwuermchen Edyll"
13 years ago
Hi there!
Excellent soundbite.
I used it to illustrate this story: http://cowbird.com/author/837/story/9540
13 years, 8 months ago
excellent - thank you
15 years, 8 months ago
it remines me of a old theater organ located in the Continental hotel, panama city republic of panama.
in this example sound verry similar to the theater organ in panama city, grate sound.