The rooster’s singing has so many names around the world.
Cocorico in France, Cock-a-doodle-doo in English, kikeriki in Germany, quiquiriqui in Spanish…
Does the rooster really sing differently according to his nationality?
Cocorico Sound is a collaborative project putting together on a map rooster sounds from all over the world, using the freesound platform.
Anyone can add his rooster scream, with the 'translation' in the language of the place of the recording. The project as all the sounds are all in creative contents attribution non-commercial.
You can share the map trough the freesound share option in html
or with the internet link;_lon=2.31193542480469&z;=3&username;=cocoricosound#box=-1.5818302639606454,-77.87109375,71.58053179556501,82.44140625
You can send the sounds by email to and I will upload them to the map (never more than 1 sound a day). Each sound must only be the rooster crowing (around 2 or 3 seconds in most of the case).
The sound can already be on freesound, I will notify the original sound by the "remix" function on freesound and a link to the sound on freesound or to the personal website of the sound engineer.
You can upload the sound yourself if you prefer, with the cocoricosound tag and the same specification as the other sound (name, description, duration...).
For each sound, the name will only be the crowing of the rooster in the language of the recording place. Description of the sound will give the name of the sound engineer, the place (country and region or state) and the language. More technical information can be added as: microphone used, recorder, mixer, format (bit, frequencies).
Please contact me for more informations, ideas or remarks!
Félix Blume
Sound Engineers collaborating : Bulldozia, Claret Canelon, Ermine, Félix Blume, Florian Namias, Fx Pro Sound, Gustavo Arteaga, Hotlavaman, Kangaroovindaloo, Matias Romero, Matija Gajic, Matthew Riva, Matthias Hunsinsky, Mete Ramizoglu, Mike Hirst, Setuniman, Signor Vaso, Tito Lahaye.
The crows of the rooster:
Cacaracá - Spain, Galicia (Gallego)
Chicchirichiii - Italia, Tuscania (Italian)
Cocorico - France, Correze (French)
Cocoricó - Brazil, Minas Gerais (Brazilian)
Có có ró có - Portugal, Porto (Portuguese)
Cock-a-doodle-doo - Australia, Victoria (English)
Cock-a-doodle-doo - USA, Florida (English)
Cock-a-doodle-doo - United Kingdom (English)
Cock-a-doodle-doo - Kerrera, Argyll, Scotland (English)
Cock-a-doodle-doo - Wales, Great-Britain (English)
Coucourouroucou - Mali (Peulh)
Kikeriki - Germany (German)
Kokoro'o - Paraguay (Guarani)
Kokot - Poland, Katowice (Silesian dialect)
Kokouukuuu - Morocco, High Atlas (Moroccan Arabic)
Ku-ka-re-ku - Russia (Russian)
Kukuriku - Serbia, Belgrade (Serbian)
Quiquiriquí - Mexico, Puebla (Spanish) Sound
Quiquiriquí - Venezuela, Gran Sabana (Spanish)
Quqquliquu - Azerbaijan (Azeri Dili)