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Noises around a shallow creek near a northern Spanish village (a hamlet actually) in Palencia province. Frogs, birds (House sparrow, Motacilla alba, House martins). A car passing in the distance. A cow mooing. Matched Stereo Pair (Clippy XLR, by FEL Communications Ltd) into Sound Devices Mixpre3.
Wave (.wav)
File size
143.2 MB
Sample rate
48000.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit
6 months, 2 weeks ago
What a fine recording! Just heard it today.
That is the problem with freesound nowadays that some wonderfull sounds disappear soo quick!
Great to hear from you again!
Remember the time, when it was soo expensive to get some good microphones? Now it is easier and the equipment is soo easy to carry,
Please keep on recording : )
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Very nice, used in a track: https://soundcloud.com/derk-bell/continuum