my name is Han van Bakel, male (as they assume hahahaahaha auwwie)...
I live in The NetherLands (it means LowLands), but often called/mentioned Holland or Olland because of just two (arrogant) regions which were sail-world-strong in the 1600-1800 (1625-1780)... Though Brabant was en is en stays the most strong, big and financial best region, though cut in half by the earlier mentioned two regions because they wanted to rule TheNetherLands (for that reason) and because of the needed buffer towards France and Spain (Napoleon(France)/Philip1(Spain) long before 1910...) by cutting Brabant in half Belgium started to be (still a rather double lateral rather so schizofrinic) "country... hahahah... I like those introvert Belgians ...
My work was rather big projects in Logistics (JIT/CPIM/CIRM/DataFlow/eso) and Quality (HACCP/CQM/CQE/ProductionControll) for about 12 years (before that about 6 years advizing R&D-engenieers/HighTech-producers/Machine-Robot-R&D which ICs CPUs Controllers CPUboards datawiring(chips/protocols best could be used for getting high quality (even MILL++specs) for a rather OK pricing and volume-availability) , than became a ScienceTeacher on behalf of children 11 to 17 years old/young and leveled from LowPracticeScholing to HighUpUniversity (VMBO-Praktijk-BB t/m VWO-Gymnasium+). Now I'm again on a crossingroad; starting up (formation) a foundation to Embrace HighGifted MultiTalented people from the age of 7 to let's say 70+.... No coaching, no education; Called in Catalanic (12,5% of my blood is Catalanic, and eg 25% is German (ay ay ay; yes ! (of which 50% Pruisian (yes; a restless erecting arm) and 50% HabsBurgisch (yes; the real party-animals withOUT speed/crack/wiet/... blablabla)...
and about 50% Eburon-genes/blood in me (a region as big from North France to rivers-NetherLands to Rijn WestGermany-Ruhr... lived about 12 million Eburons about 500ac, bit 10 million masacared by Ceaser and his MilStaf because Eburons were the last main opponent... te be assumed to be the biggest genocides ever in whole Europa-"continent".... )
foundation AMTRAR: Abraçant Molt Talents Riu Agrupació Radiant:
So we/they flow (not WITH the stream of water like DEAD fish hahah) but streaming as a being and as a group, than (re)Grouping (so bundeling, make a bundle; so stand toGETHER), and than Radiate !: shoot the power; ... al kind of beams...
ya understand ?
Apart from this I restart at this moment DrawingLessons, TheathreTrainings, FanClub (Willem TheKnight, uh, Willem de Ridder), FamilySettings (Bert Hellinger) and aYurVedischCooking (with Sandra, my fiancé).... and embracing-mentally/processly the stuck-to-the-ground Talented Ones... (Gifted/Sensibel/MultiTalented persons/beings)... and now am engineering a new psychology-treament much better than the harsh EMDR of the lowresults RegressionTherapies: the R³EA : Repairing ReEnduring Reflective EndAdapting -therapy; very simple and very fast and super good results.
have fun, flow, be, but also GROW through pain toGETHER....