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This sound piece is a unique composition of 2 large singing bowls, frequencies Planet Jupiter and Solfeggio 528 Hz, singing bowl with frequency of biorhythm ghost and my newly purchased crystal sound tube, which I have commissioned from a specialized company for crystal spheres. The crystal tube has the frequency of Solfeggio 528 Hz.
I hope you enjoy the sound;
peace on Your Way,
the very real Horst
Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz - The frequency of transformation, miracles and signs, repair of DNA
The Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz is given a very special significance because experiments and investigations in the field of molecular biology showed that with the help of this frequency it was possible to repair a defective DNA. The frequency 528 Hz stands for transformation, miracles and signs and just seems to be able to influence our genetic material. For the scientific confirmation of such a healing effect on the DNA, however, further scientific studies are needed. In alternative medicine, however, the frequency is used to restore human DNA to its original state. That in turn ensures that more life energy is available stands, the consciousness awakens and becomes clearer and the creativity is kindled. States of inner peace should also be reached, as well as the activation of imagination, intention and intuition. The 528 Hz frequency has tremendous potential for positively influencing life at all levels
Solfeggios, Healing Sounds
Assignment of Solfeggio frequencies to the seven chakras
Navel chakra, solar plexus chakra: Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz
The third navel or solar plexus chakra is located in the center, about a hand's breadth above the belly button and stands for the power and potential of each personality, for the will and energy, for identity, intuition and power. An open and activated solar plexus chakra is reflected in the fact that the human rests within, has a healthy self-esteem, discipline and self-reflection. Difficult life phases are overcome with nerve strength and concentration. However, if the solar plexus chakra is blocked, people can suffer from fear of failure, fear of criticism, control delusion and loss of bounds. The whole emotional balance falter, feelings can not be processed and the result is sudden and uncontrolled emotional outbursts. To open and activate the navel or solar plexus chakra, the Solfeggio frequency is 528 Hz.
Mp3 (.mp3)
File size
16.5 MB
Sample rate
48000.0 Hz
192 kbps
1 year, 11 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
Beautiful Thank You
3 years, 6 months ago
Is this sound available for reuse?
4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you. Love this very much.
4 years, 2 months ago
Amazing! Thank you very much!