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Started July 1st, 2019 · 4 replies · Latest reply by Headphaze 5 years, 7 months ago
I tried to find the answer to my question on here but was unsuccessful. When I hit the button to download it just plays the sound I’m trying to download. 1. If it’s downloading; where is it putting it? 2. If it’s not downloading the sound but just playing it; how do I download it to my cell so I can use it for the project I’m working on?
Hi there
To download a sound you have to right-click on the download button, then select "save target as" or "save link as" depending on your browser, this will prompt you to save to a location on your hard disk.
This is not true for downloading 'packs' however, you can regular left-click to download the zip file.
I hope this helps
I understand what you’re saying fir downloading a sound to the computer but what if I’m using this on my iPhone? How can I download the sounds to my iPhone
GrUmPySPitBull wrote:
I understand what you’re saying fir downloading a sound to the computer but what if I’m using this on my iPhone? How can I download the sounds to my iPhone
Ah, I see. This can be tricky for iPhone and iPad devices, not so much for Android.
This web page will explain one way of doing it:
Alternatively, try using the free web browser app eDL Lite which allows you to direct download from a media link instead of just streaming.
Good luck!