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Started March 20th, 2012 · 156 replies · Latest reply by BirchyEd 7 years, 11 months ago
[EDIT 6th April 2017: This post corresponds to the old survey that we ran on 2012, for the new survey (including links) go here: https://www.freesound.org/forum/freesound-project/40104/]
Hello everyone,
as most of you will know Freesound is a site that was started six years ago in the context of the Music Technology Group of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. One of the aims of the project was to create an open database of sounds that could also be used for scientific research. Freesound is being maintained by current and former members of the Music Technology Group - the Freesound team - and we are continuously researching about Freesound to learn about sounds and online communities, and to be able to use our scientific outcome to improve the site. For this reason, we are now conducting a very small survey to better understand your motivations using Freesound and at the end the nature of Freesound itself.
This survey is composed by 4 questions which are listed below. Each question has a little "help text" with more specific questions that may be helpful for your answer. We would like you to reply to this forum post with your answers to the four questions indicated with 1), 2), 3) and 4) (however, don't be afraid to comment on other things you feel relevant).
1) What do you use Freesound for?
(what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesound user community? If so, which ones?
(is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in?
(do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites?
(you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
Thank you very much in advance for your participation, we really appreciate your feedback...
We're looking forward to read all your answers that will help us in our research and in the improvement of Freesound!
the Freesound team
1) I use freesound for my videos on Youtube.
2) I don't have the answer to that question.
3) I like realistic sounds, loud sounds and movie-style sounds.
4) Freesound costs nothing.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
I use Freesound for film sound effects.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
There seem to be a lot of Freesound folks who do Foley and sound effects specifically for picture. I don't really use Freesound as a "community" but I love that I can contribute sounds.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
We upload custom Foley cues. And we download Foley cues. Monsters, computers, footsteps...
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
Freesound specializes in sound effects, or at least that's the way I use it. I find that the effects on Freesound are the first "library" I go to when looking for a cut effect.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
Making music.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
There is a sense of comunity and reasearch by those to upload sounds, to my thank you.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
All kinds of sounds but mostly natural sounds, soundscape, and instruments from middle east.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
The basis od creative commons
1) I mostly use it for my music. (Kicks, snares, ect.)
2) Not really sure.
3) I download loads of drum samples and reverb convolutions, and I upload drum loops.
4) Freesound is very organized and easy-to-use. It's the best because one, its free, and it has a huge community uploading sounds for everyone's use.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
Just for creating a new kind of music ("Freesound Music", see www.cm-gallery.com). The possibilities are endless. The opportunities to bring different worlds together are simply stunning, and they are growing every day...
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
I sense some similar activity to use Freesound for music but I wished it would be more people who see this potential and would like to share. However, there is a fairly good forum thread about it I should be probably studying more.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
No preference, really! I learned a lot of new sounds that I found interesting AFTER I listened to them. This is just another big advantage of this site. But yes, I'm less interested in mainstream stuff and my uploads are all quite experimental.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
That's a really easy question: Where can you find the open spirit, the variety of use cases, of user interaction, range of resources, professionality in the execution etc. in one place if not with Freesound??
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
To upload sounds for other to use.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
To use as a database for film etc.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...) i upload. My main goal is uploading field recordings. I did horror with a frend bu t he stopt and he will upload the last sounds. We are a team. I love to upload general sound for others to use in there productions.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
easy to search and not for music.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
It is fair to say that my specific interests in (at) Freesound have not always been the same. I notice in myself some 'evolution' in terms of interests and how I interact with Freesound. I believe any (long-term) users will probably experience a similar change.
- Initially I found Freesound as a source for sounds (I was searching for sounds on the internet and the search engine brought me here). For a longtime, possibly a couple of years I visited Freesoud sporadically to grab a couple of sounds to do some sort of 'little project'.
- Much later I discovered the forums and began to read what others were saying. I realized there was a whole community here with a lot of expertise. I learned quite a bit just reading stuff in the forums.
- I had no recording equipment to speak of (only a webmic) so I never uploaded anything because I thought it would be rubish. Might even get rejected due to its poor quality.
- I then realized that Freesound contained a lot of low quality (even what I would reate as 'bad' samples) and decided mine would not be any worse and, therefore, would eb acceptable. I also realized that (at least at that time) most samples on Freesound seemed to be field recordings. There did not see to be a lot of people uploading VST synthesized or processed sounds. So, I thought "this is something I can contribute". That was how I started uploading stuff.
- Over time I used Freesound to upload a lot of stuff. Initially experimental sound synthesis / sound manipulation stuff. Later some recordings made with a webmic. From there I used Freesound to post examples of techniques or sample clips made with specific VST plugins.
- More recently I became a moderator so I have been involved with approving samples, helping users with general queries, etc
- Finally I re-started the Freesound Dares (friendly competitions). - The interation with other users is the real benefit here. One can learn a lot listenning to others' compositions, taking and giving feedback.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
Ahhhh this is a tricky one!
Everyone at Freesound, at least the long-term users, share an interest in sound. But there are many different types of users with different types of interest.
Users could be classified and split in different ways. Of course these are 'stereotypes', and most users will fall somewhere in between.
Experience: users vary from experienced sound professionals to absolute amateurs.
Profession: users range from sound professionals to hobbysts to school kids who need sounds for a project...
User behaviour: there are uploaders, downloaders, chatters (forum users), moderators,... these categories are not mutually exclusive.
Purpose (downloaders). What do people use the sounds for? film, music, projects (theatre, art, school...) and, of course, sound collectors.
Purpose (uploaders). What do people upload? Field recordings, synthesized sounds, processed sounds, instruments, experiments, random stuff...
Basically what I am saying is that there are different types of users. There are different interactions interactions within each of these groups and between (some) groups. For example: field recordists provide source material for movie makers.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
Well, I confess to the sin of sound collecting - I download far more sounds than I need or could possibly use. Just because they are cool...
I have uploaded different types of counds at different times. It must also be recognized that the type of gear and environment you are in determines what kind of sounds you can record and upload... and vice-versa: the desire to record and upload certain kinds of sounds will determine what gear you purchase
I started by recording VST synthesized sounds, or heavily processed sounds.
I have uploaded experimental stuff. I have used Freesound as a repository for sample clips of VST plugins or techniques testing.
I mostly download the sounds I can't create myself: good quality specific recordings of sounds I do not have access to (a roaring lion or an eagle, for example)
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
I think it is mostly two things:
One - the vastness and variety of material available. Most other databases are music specific. You can get a few foley sounds, but mostly they contain acapellas and rhythm loops.
Two - the expertize, variety and general helpfulness of the comunity.
1) What do you use Freesound for?
(what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
I have been primarily an uploader, so I suppose I use Freesound as a way to express my creative ideas. I feel good making sounds that others use and I like the (limited) responses that people give to me. In fact Freesound made me think totally differently about sounds in general (and to some degree my girlfriend as well): once I would have considered myself to be a musician making musical compositions. Now I feel I can better express my ideas through the sounds I make, it doesn't matter if they are synthetic sounds or field recordings.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones?
(is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
I think the percentage of people that participate actively in Freesound is considerably lower than the overall group of users. I have a sense that the core community is rather small, and I'm not sure even I consider myself a part of it at least as far as this forum is concerned and I would hesitate to say that I have made any lasting connections with other users. But as far as the goal of connecting people who create sound with people who need sounds I think Freesound works very well, but I don't know what the other options are.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in?
(do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
For full disclosure, I am one of the sound moderators so I have to listen to sounds whether I find them interesting or not so everyone once in a while a really interesting sound comes along and mostly I would say those are field recordings. I always like to hear other water sounds. But I also like really funny or strange sounds, for example that one printer dying sound but equally the water organ/instrument in Poland? or somewhere that makes sound when the waves hit it.
I upload a lot of ambient synthetic sounds and usually those come first from real instruments that I have but almost as much I like to upload field recordings of quiet places or ordinary places that are ordinary but somehow interesting at the same time because I am fascinated how when you record a place you instantly hear it in a much different way. And I am also fascinated why anyone would want to download for example me riding a train.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites?
(you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
I really don't know what other sites are available, though I use Soundcloud for my "musical" output. I have limited experience with CCMixter and it seems like that is pointed more towards "normal" musicians while Freesound is more for movies and games and perhaps more "experimental" musicians or composers. I don't know how to describe it exactly but I don't think you can find any a cappella singing or rapping on Freesound (I haven't really looked) but I don't see that they are completely overlapping at all nor completely separate.
1) What do you use Freesound for?
I've been using it for different usages. First for SFX in video games for my studies (computer science, yay!), and now for my music production needs.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones?
I can't answer this question, I haven't taken part in the community so far.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in?
Either specific ones, like sound effects (shooting sounds for example), like instruments samples (i.e. percs) or random ones, which I may use to spice up my musical productions if I like them after listening to them.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites?
(you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
Well, it's basically not really the same kind of content... Even if FreeSound may be redundant with some other samples-providing sites, it has a very different sounds (and not music) and it's free.
1) As a sound source for class exercises and Academic projects (I Teach at a University)
2) Absolutely Yes! Specially the geotags section, where you can perceive different communities of users in relation to the activity in that area (Iberia Peninsula is obviously very actuve)
3) Mostly Soundscapes and objects/environment Sounds
4) It is a platform for sharing sound and not for broadcasting.
1) I'm a sound designer (mostly in theatre), and I use Freesound sounds in my work. I also post sound effects that I've recorded to Freesound for others to use.
2) The community seems eager to help each other out.
3) I'm mostly interested in rare and unusual sounds. Weird sounds that might not be general enough to be released on a sound effects library. Or unique sounds that have a specific personality.
4) I haven't tried the other sites. I found Freesound and I liked it. So, I stay. And I like the community. Very encouraging.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
I use Freesound to find samples and vocals for the music I produce. I often put the samples in songs or slice them up to make a funky-fresh track.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
I think that there are some shared goals throughout Freesound. I think that people have a sense of others' needs, and what needs to be improved, etc. We see that money needs to be donated in order for those changes to come.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
I'm mostly interested in the short (30-40 second) music clips or samples because those are easy to slice and/or loop.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
I use Looperman a lot, but Freesound is a lot more diverse. They don't pester you with annoying ads. Their database is much wider, and a lot more used. It has probably millions of sounds and I haven't even put a dent in anything. Looperman is also a lot more stereotypical "hip-hop" genre loops, with just one note on the staff varied throughout two bars... not useful for someone like me.
Glad if I could help, and always willing to do so for the Freesound community.
1) What do you use Freesound for?
Live theatre and some recording projects
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones?
Location specific sound documenting
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in?
Location specific sound beds and sound FX good for foley for sound design
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites?
Strong search parameters make it quick to find specific samples or various qualities. Freesound is more appropriate for short samples and ambient soundscapes than songs like on SoundCloud.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
Uploading transport run sounds, and any other SFXs useful for others to use in the future.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
I don't care about it.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
Transport. Specifically trains and buses.
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
More professionals (of recording not only the music), advocate the use of freer licenses.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (mainly i use them for audio tracks in educational videos that i make. i always give credit. i also just like to listen to some of them)
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (i like the fact that some users have posted lots of sounds over the years. i also want to start doing this once i get a decent audio recorder. i am looking at the zoom 2hn)
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (i like nature sounds and background like people in cafeterias. i also like the cinematic soundscapes)
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (i think this site has a much wider range of sounds. i like that because i can drop a sound into a track just to add accent to a video clip. other sites feature good theme music but not effects)
1) I use it mostly for downloading samples of real life sounds: ambiences, voice samples, nature sounds. I use these mainly for sound post-production for video.
2) I think the long term goal would be to build a thorough, comprehensive, free data-base. And I definately feel a sense of community, which to me is very stimulating about FS.
3) Mostly real life sounds; I've very rarely used synthesized sound effects or processed sounds dowmloaded from FS. I've also found some useful instrument samples
4) These other sites are mostly focused on music, while FS is more about any type of sound. It's also free, and less 'socially' (if, perhaps, more 'community') oriented.
1) What do you use Freesound for? (what are your specific interests? what do you do with Freesound samples? ...)
Soon after i got my first recorder i started using Freesound as a platform to upload my field-recordings,at the same time i found out what a good site it was for listening to all possible kind of sounds that others uploaded.Freesound is a source of inspiration for my interest in all things sound.
2) Do you perceive some shared goals in Freesounds user community? If so, which ones? (is there a sense of community? and of long-term goals to be achieved? ...)
There's definately a sense that any form of contact made on Freesound should be polite and friendly -an essential quality in any community and something that is painfully lacking in many other sites-(take a bow Bram).
I think freesound is a cool place,it's not a meet-a-friend/dating site.Any sense of community will inevitably be based around an interest in sound rather than the people behind it...people are good to help each other with questions and sample requests.
As a long term goal i support any attempt to move towards a more open form of licensing that can fit better with the development of sampling software and the internet 'revolution'.
3) What kinds of sounds are you most interested in? (do you upload and/or download specific types of sounds? which ones? ...)
I am interested in all kinds of sounds,especially those i haven't heard yet!
4) What makes Freesound different from other sound sharing sites? (you can compare with sites like Soundcloud, Looperman, CCMixter or others)
Freesound is non-music specific so in most cases the message is in the sound itself rather than something a composer or musician is trying to get across.This makes Freesound a great place for sound analysis and research and,with examples,to learn and share recording techniques and the use of fx.