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Looks like Satan loves a good meal down there. Collage of several freesounds to create a hellish soundscape without sacrificing a single young virgin. Used samples:45137__DJ_Chronos__Dark_church_bell, 46370__firefreak__SampleRequest_HelloAnyoneHere, 61025__Pogotron__Dog_Eating_Biscuit, 66638__ccaaajf__burp, 68145__charliemidi__SLURPING_LYCHEES. From my own uploads here:aluminium_window, crazy kitchen sink, family_eating. Plus added a sinustone of 666 hz which is 66.6 sec.long. Warning: playing this sound at midnight is at your own risk.
Wave (.wav)
File size
11.8 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit
14 years, 11 months ago
But...but...you HAVE to sacrifice the young virgin!!! D=