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You've heard of the party crasher...now meet the party slasher.
Offical entry for Freesound Dare 16.
23154__FreqMan__Party_then_screams_2.wav: main screams
42849__FreqMan__psycho_screams_3.wav: the woman later on
42848__FreqMan__psycho_screams_2.wav: Also woman later on
23092__Anton__anton_stikken1.wav: choking sound
21853__pcaeldries__RainOnWoodandPlants.flac: rain and thunder
19898__JFBSAUVE__CHAINSAW.wav: the chainsaw, duh
51148__rutgermuller__Footsteps_Wet_2_Fast_www.rutgermuller.nl_.wav: the chainsaw through flesh sound.
Flac (.flac)
File size
3.0 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit
10 years, 3 months ago
Awesome post!
10 years, 5 months ago
haha, morbidly hilarious. gj
10 years, 7 months ago
10 years, 11 months ago
This is really good. I don't know what I might be able to use this for in the near future but I'm downloading this for stock. Great job.
10 years, 11 months ago
Because flac is the same as a wav, just compressed, so that it is easier to upload/download. Think of a zip file. It's a lossless format, ie, if you convert it back to .WAV it would be identical to the original waveform.
MP3/OGG/AAC/OPUS, by comparison, are all lossy formats, and cannot be restored to their original state. Lossy formats typically cause dynamic range reduction(saturation/compression) of sudden amplitude peaks, high frequency errors(metallic sound, often stemming from quantization errors), and smearing/distortion of tones that are close to one another (ie, chorus effects, or instruments with complex harmonics, also related to quantization). Finally, they simplify stereo content by summing (centering/making mono) all tones above 10khz or so (the cutoff ranges depending on format and bitrate) into the center channel. This isn't very noticeable with speakers, but on headphones it can be a drastic difference.
. . .(Ummm...yeah, way overkill there...↑)
Anyway, if I had a better connection, I would probably use .wav for simplicity, but I don't, so flac it is.
Cheers, T